Daily Legal News Archive

Friday, May 10, 2024

A publishing company whose politically slanted newspapers have been derided as “pink slime” is being sued by Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul for illegally identifying birthdates and home addresses of “hundreds of thousands” of voters.

NPR Illinois

The suit, one of thousands, is the first to make it to jury trial and claims that the active ingredient in the heartburn drug Zantac turns into a cancer-causing substance.

Chicago Sun-Times

Suburban Republican Party leaders are slating candidates for state legislative races that didn’t draw primary contenders despite a new law designed to prevent such aspirants from being considered by voters.

Daily Herald

Lawyers should not reveal any information relating to a client’s representation to a wide group of lawyers in a computer listserv, or group email list, without informed consent, the American Bar Association has advised in a formal opinion.

Bloomberg Law

Illinois has had a drug-induced homicide law on the books for decades, but the use of that law is causing a struggle between grieving families, law enforcement and prosecutors debating whether dealers should be held legally responsible for overdoses.
