Matuszczak v. The Illinois Workers Compensation Commission

Illinois Appellate Court
Civil Court
Workers' Compensation
Case Number: 
2014 IL App (2d) 130532WC
Decision Date: 
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
2d Dist.
Du Page Co.
Affirmed and remanded.
(Modified upon denial of rehearing 12/22/14.) Evidence was sufficient to show that at time of his termination, workers' compensation claimant continued to be temporarily totally disabled as a result of his work-related injury, and this showing entitled him to TTD benefits from time of termination to date of arbitration. Claimant sustained compensable work-related injuries, returned to work in light-duty capacity for the employer for over a year, and was terminated by employer for conduct unrelated to his work injury. Whether claimant was appropriately discharged, or knew he could be as a result of his conduct, was not appropriate consideration for Commission. Instead, critical inquiry for Commission in determining claimant's entitlement to TTD was whether his medical condition had stabilized and he had reached maximum medical improvement. (HOFFMAN, HUDSON, and STEWART, concurring; HOLDRIDGE, specially concurring.)