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Illinois Bar Journal | August 2011 Table of Contents
August 2011 • Volume 99 • Number 8

Practice News
Make no mistake, this is not the workers' comp act you knew two months ago. This article highlights key changes.
What happens when an Illinoisan receives a DUI in another state or an out-of-stater is charged in Illinois? Here are the basics.
Appellants often discover too late - and to their horror - that an appeal bond must be filed the same day the notice of appeal is due. Here's how the mysterious appeal-bond process works.
A look at the Illinois law that reverses years of presumptive confidentiality and gives adult adoptees access to their original birth certificates.
What QR codes are and how to use them to promote your practice.
A summary of key legislation from this year's session.
Don't let fear cloud your judgment when it comes to reporting claims.
Dispatches from a four-day seminar on the impact of poverty and wealth on justice.
Illinois' civil union law presents opportunities and challenges to those who advise same-sex couples.