The ISBA Member Mark can be used by ISBA active lawyer members* who have completed the ISBA Member Mark License Agreement process.
*Active Member must: (a) be a member of ISBA who is current on dues payments; (b) must meet the definition of Active Member under the ISBA by-laws. Active Member is defined by ISBA bylaws, Sec. 1.1, as “consisting of members of the legal profession licensed to practice or under an Order of Suspension in effect not in excess of 12 months, who either reside or practice in the State of Illinois.”
Not a member? Join Today!
Who can use the ISBA Member Firm Mark?
The ISBA Member Firm Mark may be used by law firms under the same terms and conditions as the ISBA Member Mark upon certification by the firm that all lawyers in the firm are active members of the ISBA. A firm representative may complete the ISBA Member Firm Mark Certification on behalf of the entire firm.
Where can I put the ISBA Member Mark?
Subject to and in compliance with the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct, the ISBA Member Mark may only appear on the following:
- Business cards
- Letterhead
- Envelopes
- In signage at a member’s office/building
- Webpages
- Social media pages
- Print advertising in newspapers and magazines
- Email signature
- Direct mail solicitations distributed via U.S. Mail
Members are not allowed to use the ISBA Member Mark on other goods (e.g., backpacks, water bottles, shirts, mugs, pens, or calendars) at this time.
Can I use the ISBA Member Mark in advertisements regarding non-legal services?
No, the ISBA Member Mark is not available for use to advertise non-legal services. (Example: a lawyer-accountant could not use the Mark to advertise accounting services.) The ISBA Member Mark also may not be used in any political campaign whatsoever.
How must the ISBA Member Mark appear?
Active members who have completed the license agreement process will be provided with jpeg and EPS files of the ISBA Member Mark. Conditions for use are the following:
- The ISBA Member Mark may not be reduced below 0.5 inch in height.
- All elements of the ISBA Member Mark must be used in the layout(s) presented. (In other words, the dimensions must remain the same and the Mark may not be “stretched” or reshaped.)
- The ISBA Member Mark may only be reproduced in the approved format(s). It may not be modified or redesigned.
Can I continue to use the previous ISBA Member Mark?

In March 2021, the ISBA updated the look of the Member Mark. You may continue to use the previous Member Mark (and Member Firm Mark) until you choose to update to the current Member Marks, providing you have a current license to use the Mark.
How do I begin using the ISBA Member Mark?
If you are an ISBA active member (as outlined above), please log in to access the ISBA Member Mark License Agreement.
You will need to complete the agreement and submit it to the ISBA via the web form, by fax (217.525-0420), email (, or by regular mail (Illinois State Bar Association, c/o Ann Boucher, 424 South Second Street, Springfield, IL 62701-1779.) Please note: You must include your e-mail address in the agreement so that we can send you confirmation and the files.
Once we have received and processed your agreement, you will be sent an e-mail containing the counter-signed agreement along with access to the jpeg and EPS files containing the ISBA Member Mark.
Can the ISBA Member Mark License Agreement be terminated?
Yes. Failure to pay ISBA dues, loss or drop of active member status, or misuse of the ISBA Member Mark automatically terminates the license.
For more information, please contact Ann Boucher at 800.252.8908 or by email