Tummelson v. White

Illinois Appellate Court
Civil Court
Unjust Enrichment
Case Number: 
2015 IL App (4th) 150151
Decision Date: 
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
4th Dist.
Champaign Co.
Affirmed in part and reversed in part.

(Court opinion corrected 1/28/16.) Parties lived together, unmarried, for years.  Plaintiff filed suit claiming that Defendant has been unjustly enriched by funds he contributed to purchase of a house titled solely in her name and in they lived together until she required him to move out.  Court was within its discretion to impose a constructive trust to the extent of $7,000, the amount of the down payment his parents made on the house presumably as a gift to him. A trust in any greater amount was an abuse of discretion, considering that mortgage payments were made out of a joint account and that any amounts Plaintiff had deposited into that account were gifts from him to Defendant. Court erred in finding that parties were in a fiduciary relationship, as no evidence that Defendant exercised undue influence over Plaintiff or was in position of superiority over him. (HARRIS and STEIGMANN, concurring.)