ISBA’s Law Ed Faculty Development Resources

Become known as an authority on your topic and earn complimentary MCLE credit as an ISBA Law Ed presenter!

  • Speaker MCLE Credit - Receive MCLE credit for presenting at CLE programs, as well as for the time it takes to prepare for the presentation. Preparation time is generally calculated at six-times the presentation time. See Supreme Court MCLE Rule 795(d)(5)(i)

  • Attendance MCLE Credit - ISBA provides complimentary attendance MCLE credit if speakers choose to stay for other sessions of the program at which they speak. (Just check in at the registration desk and inform the staff that you will be attending.)

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Faculty Development Programming

ISBA'S LAW ED FACULTY DEVELOPMENT SERIES Virtual Presentations: The Basics and Beyond 

Complimentary and Exclusively for ISBA Law Ed Faculty (and for those who want to become Law Ed Faculty).

1.50 hours MCLE credit, including 1.50 hours Professional Responsibility MCLE credit in the following category : Professionalism, Civility, and Legal Ethics

Enhance your online zoom presentation skills by attending this interactive training program! With 95% of ISBA CLE credit delivered online to ISBA members, it’s important that you have the tools and insight you need to reach your next online CLE audience. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from our experienced presenters as they take you through the process of planning your presentation all the way through your zoom presentation day, offering best practices, top tips, and inside advice along the way.

Short Faculty Development Videos

ISBA Faculty Zoom Training

Tips for creating a smooth CLE presentation on Zoom.

The Top Tips to Deliver a Fantastic Virtual Presentation

Steve Hughes provides tips for delivering an effective virtual presentation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Engaging Your Audience

Steve Hughes talks about how to engage your audience to improve learning.

Making Your Voice Come Alive

Ever wonder what it takes to sound great on a webinar? Steve Hughes gives suggestions for how to make your voice come alive.

Using Power Point Effectively

Steve Hughes shows you how to make slides that are user-friendly.

Using Webinar Engagement Tools Effectively

Steve Hughes explains how to make webinars that aren't boring by using engagement tools effectively.

Bill Moller’s Top Tips for a Killer On-Camera Presentation

Broadcast journalist pro Bill Moller helps you prepare for your next CLE studio presentation or on-camera courtroom appearance with his prize-worthy tips – from preparing your notes and organizing your presentation, to presenting your information on-camera with energy, comfort and ease!

Already a Presenter?

We know that preparing course materials and PowerPoint slides can be a time-consuming endeavor.  To assist you with this process, we have put together some reference tips and resources:

Additional Resources

"Training the Trainer" CLE Development Guide
Are you looking for support in developing and delivering educational courses? Don't miss this easy-to-access, practical resource that was designed by the Commission on Professionalism to help legal professionals. 

Best Practices for Visually Engaging Virtual Presentations
Get the tips and advice you need to take your virtual presentations from merely adequate to virtually engaging.  

What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World's Most Captivating Presenters
Learn how to create effective and captivating PowerPoint presentations from some of the top presenters in the country!  

Become a presenter that shines by using the speaker tips and tricks that's found on this informative website!

Hit Your Stride
Steve Hughes is founder and president of Hit Your Stride, a communications consultancy that helps attorneys look and sound smart when they talk. His website offers eight unique articles aimed at helping good speakers become great. Topics include: how to deal with a chatty audience, ridding yourself of public speaking fears, having a back-up plan, driving your audience crazy, and much more!

Greater Than Yourself – Leadership
Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, an organization devoted to the development of business community leaders. His website is full of articles, videos and relevant books worth checking out.