In re Marriage of Gualandi

Illinois Appellate Court
Civil Court
Parenting Time
Case Number: 
2024 IL App (5th) 240238
Decision Date: 
Friday, June 28, 2024
5th Dist.
Williamson Co.
Vacated and remanded.

Petitioner appealed from an agreed parenting plan and judgment entered by the trial court in which the court found it was in the best interest of the minor children to modify parenting time. The appellate court vacated the judgment of the circuit court for further proceedings and remanded, finding that the trial court’s judgment modifying parenting time was against the manifest weight of the evidence where the respondent was allowed to relocate out of state without filing a petition to relocate or considering the best interests factors under the statute and because the GAL changed his mind during the course of the hearing. The court directed that the mandate issue immediately and that the trial court hold a temporary custody hearing on an emergent basis. (MOORE and SHOLAR, concurring)