December 2016Volume 18Number 2PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

What’s app?

Every attorney needs to be aware of e-discovery obligations. With technology exploding and electronically storing evidence, we should all commit to continually educating ourselves.

We’ve advocated the 7th Circuit e-discovery Pilot Program’s website before – – and suggest you visit regularly for new updates and free CLE opportunities.

There are also apps to help you in your access to your e-discovery:.

DocReviewPad isn’t cheap but it allows you to organize, search, and make notes to your documents. This app even allows you to add Bates numbers.

Google Apps Vault is an add-on for Google Apps that lets you retain, archive, search, and export email and chat messages for your e-discovery and compliance needs. You can also search and export files in Google Drive. Vault is entirely web-based and is included with Google Apps Unlimited or Google Apps for Education, or you can buy Vault licenses.

eDiscovery Assistant allows you to access important e-discovery information. You can access the federal rules, pilot projects (mentioned above), case digests, and a glossary.

The Veritas eDiscovery Exchange App is designed for legal and IT professionals looking for all of the best e-discovery and information governance news in one location.

These are only a very few of the apps available. Please explore and find one that is right for you.

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