Illinois Lawyer Finder Information

Potential clients are searching for a lawyer right now. The ISBA is helping them find YOU!

The ISBA offers two great ways for the public to find an ISBA member lawyer:

Illinois Lawyer Finder Online Directory

Trying to pull more clients into your practice? With hundreds of thousands of searches each year, the Illinois Lawyer Finder public-facing directory can help.

ISBA members (except judges and government attorneys; see below) have a free basic profile and can access additional business-building features by upgrading to an enhanced profile for only $25/month or $275/year.

Sign in

Basic Profile v. Profile Plus

Basic Profile - Helping you get found

A basic profile has already been created for all active and eligible members of the Illinois State Bar Association. The basic profile includes contact information, photo, title, up to 5 practice areas, and law school attended.

Profile Plus – Helping you get hired

Profile Plus unlocks additional elements designed to help your profile appear in more search results and increases your chances of receiving productive new client leads. Add an unlimited number of practice areas, a tagline, a custom biography, and more to improve your visibility and performance.

Looking for clients? They're looking for you. A good public-facing profile will bring you together.

Additional Profile Plus features include:

  • Chat/Scheduling links: Include existing chat and/or scheduling services to consolidate contact through established channels.
  • Reviews link: Provide a link to your firm’s Google, Yelp, Facebook, etc. reviews from your profile to reinforce a site visitor’s decision to contact you.
  • Custom website: Turn your profile into a professional website in minutes. If you need a website, but not the expense or hassle of creating one on your own, this feature is for you. Find out how your website can be powered by your profile.

Your ideal client may be searching for you right now. Make sure they like what they see. Discover how to unlock the power of your profile!

Advanced Analytics

Interested in how your profile is performing? Add Advanced Analytics to see how your performance stacks up against the top performing Illinois State Bar Association lawyers, which practice areas are driving traffic to your profile, which profile elements are the most clicked, which geographic areas are producing the most searches and interactions, plus more! Discover how analytics can help you improve your profile’s performance.

Directory Feature Basic Profile Profile Plus
Contact information yes yes
Photos yes yes
Title yes yes
Client contact & service options yes yes
Practice areas Up to 5 Unlimited
Law school attended yes yes
Dashboard yes yes
Profile recommendations yes yes
Tagline   yes
Keywords   yes
Languages spoken   yes
Rates and billing information   yes
Customized biography   yes
Case examples   yes
Presentations   yes
Awards and achievements   yes
Employment history   yes
Membership in affinity bars   yes
Ability to post articles   yes
Website, chat, & scheduling links   yes
Reviews and social media links   yes

Getting Started Guide and Help

Illinois Lawyer Finder Getting Started Guide - For more information on signing in, upgrading to Profile Plus, and editing your profile.

Help - Best practices, How Tos, and FAQs.

Judges and Government Attorneys

For members who are judges or government attorneys, we have defaulted your Basic Profile's visibility setting to "No Directory Profile." If you would like your Basic Profile to appear in the directory, simply follow the steps outlined above and change your "Online Public Directory Settings" to either "Directory Profile Viewable by the Public" or "Directory Profile Only Viewable by Other Lawyers."

How to Remove a Profile from the Directory

Log into your account and click on the "EDIT" button in the area titled "Online Public Directory Settings," open the drop-down menu for "Public Profile View," select "No Directory Profile," and hit "Save." Your profile will then be removed from the directory within 20-30 minutes.

Lawyer Referral Service

ISBA members in good standing in the Illinois bar who carry professional liability insurance and authorize the ISBA to confirm their registration status can become Lawyer Referral Service members. We offer a basic and a premium option.

View testimonials from members who use the service:

Premium Membership

Premium members have their names and contact information given out to consumers who call the ISBA's live operators seeking paid legal assistance in specific areas of the law. The ISBA advertises this service to the public throughout Illinois. Each month, lawyer referral service operators provide hundreds of referrals. See updates about how many phone referrals are made by the Lawyer Referral Service.

In addition, to receiving phone referrals, Premium member also receive the following benefits related to the Illinois Lawyer Finder Online Directory:

  • Profiles in the Illinois Lawyer Finder Online Directory will carry a special designation on their Illinois Lawyer Finder public directory page alerting potential clients that they carry liability insurance and have agreed to provide the special initial consultation fee of $25 for 30 minutes.
  • Consumers will be able to filter their directory search results by Lawyer Referral Service members.
  • Be able to access personalized assistance from the ISBA when they have questions about the Illinois Lawyer Finder public directory.

Premium Lawyer Referral Service membership is $100

Read the Rules and Get a Premium Listing

Basic Membership

Basic members will carry a special designation on their Illinois Lawyer Finder public directory page alerting potential clients that they carry liability insurance and are in good standing with the ARDC.

Consumers will be able to filter their directory search results by Lawyer Referral Service members.

Finally, Basic members will be able to access personalized assistance from the ISBA when they have questions about the Illinois Lawyer Finder public directory.

Basic Lawyer Referral Service membership is free.

Read the Rules and Get a Basic Listing