ISBA Professional Conduct Advisory Opinions
Representing medical malpractice plaintiff against medical group that lawyer previously represented as defense counsel in medical malpractice matters :
Opinion # 22-01
Seeking child support from the same father on behalf of multiple clients :
Opinion # 16-03
Representation of new client in matter in which former client in unrelated matter may testify against new client :
Opinion # 05-01
Lawyer representing trust beneficiary against former client trust in unrelated matter :
Opinion # 98-01
Brief but substantive discussion with plaintiff in dispute with university does not preclude attorney joining university legal staff :
Opinion # 95-04
Representation of one spouse against the other spouse (and former client) :
Opinion # 94-15
Representing clients in a matter related to, but consistent with the interests of, a former client :
Opinion # 93-18
Use of client information subsequent to representation :
Opinion # 92-22
Negotiating leases adverse to former client :
Opinion # 91-11
Representation of estate (including judgment debtor beneficiary) adverse to former client judgment creditor :
Opinion # 91-05
Representing spouse in dissolution of marriage where lawyer formerly represented both spouses in various matters :
Opinion # 90-05
Lawyer representing interests adverse to former client and using confidential, but public, information :
Opinion # 88-07
Lawyers obligations to a client are not transferred to another when client transfers interest in the subject matter of the representation :
Opinion # 86-17
Representing spouse against other spouse who is former client :
Opinion # 86-06
Lawyer representing client against spouse of former client :
Opinion # 85-11
Representing party against former client :
Opinion # 790
Representation adverse to former client in unrelated matter :
Opinion # 753
Lawyer representing client against former lawyer client’s client :
Opinion # 724
Law firm representation of defendant in personal injury matter adverse to position of former client (now plaintiff) in traffic matter arising out of same matter :
Opinion # 704
Law firm representing party seeking amendments to contract that law firm drafted on behalf of former client :
Opinion # 691