Subject Index Pensions

School districts must provide more than one financial institution or investment provider in service of their district 457 plans

Illinois Law Update
, Page 20
Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Every school district (other than a school district organized under Article 34) with a full-time licensed teacher population of 575 or more and that maintains a 457 plan...

Pension fund need not pay a former firefighter’s nonduty disability if the pension fund is not from the firefighter’s last employer

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
On Feb. 9, 2024, the First District of the Illinois Appellate Court held that the last pension fund a firefighter participated in is not required to pay a nonduty disability pension if the firefighter joined the fire department voluntarily and had not yet accrued seven years of creditable service with that fire department at the time the firefighter resigned.

Deferred compensation plan recordkeepers may not use personal information obtained while administering the plan to promote nonplan services or products

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
The Illinois General Assembly amended the Illinois Pension Code. A deferred compensation plan recordkeeper is now prohibited from using information gathered in the course of administering services under the deferred compensation plan for the purpose of cross-selling nonplan services or products to participants, except upon a participant’s request.

Teachers’ Retirement System employer reporting requirements updated, provision suspending benefits for members with pending felony charges removed

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Teachers’ Retirement System amended the Part titled Administration and Operation of the Teachers’ Retirement System. Employers must now file all required reports under Article 16 of the Illinois Pension Code on a pay-period basis rather than on a monthly basis.

Police officers and firefighters disabled from COVID-19 are entitled to duty disability benefit

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Illinois General Assembly amended the Chicago Police and Chicago Firefighter Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. The amendment establishes that a police officer or firefighter who becomes disabled due to COVID-19 has the rebuttable presumption that they contracted COVID-19 while performing an act of duty. The presumption entitles the police officer or firefighter to a duty disability benefit.

Individual’s disability pension substituted for age-related retirement pension is subject to division by marital settlement agreement

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
On Nov. 9, 2022, the Second District of the Illinois Appellate Court held an individual’s disability benefits received in lieu of retirement benefits were divisible under his marital settlement agreement with his former spouse.

Board members of a pension fund may not be employed by the same pension fund

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Illinois Pension Code is amended to prohibit employment for certain board members.

Attorney General may enjoin payment of Illinois Pension Plan benefits to felons

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
The Illinois Pension Code has been amended to add a new cause of action available to the Attorney General.

Fireman’s voluntary response to emergency call is not an act of duty under the Pension Code

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
On March 9, 2015, the First District Appellate Court confirmed the Retirement Board of the Firemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago's ("Board's") denial of disability benefits to a deputy district fire chief.

Are Inherited IRAs Exempt from Creditors in Bankruptcy?

By Justin F. Polach
, Page 628
Standard IRAs are exempt in bankruptcy and thus unavailable to creditors. But what if the debtor inherited the IRA account - is it likewise exempt? A look at the evolving case law.

Teachers’ retirement system adopts benefit eligibility & FOIA request rules

Illinois Law Update
, Page 292
The Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS) recently established a test to ensure that former teachers and other members sufficiently separate from employment prior to receiving benefits. 

No pension for Ryan

By Helen W. Gunnarsson
, Page 174
The supreme court reverses the appellate court and rules that George Ryan is not entitled to a pension for his years on the government payroll.

Changing Pension Beneficiaries After Divorce: It’s More Important After Kennedy

By Leon I. Finkel & Hailee R. Bloom
, Page 462
Now ex-spouses must change the beneficiary designation after divorce or risk inadvertently enriching their former partners.

Pension Code amended to provide guidelines for the selection of investment service providers. PA 096-0006

Illinois Law Update
, Page 336
Illinois lawmakers have amended the Illinois Pension Code to include a new section detailing the process for selecting and appointing consultants to provide investment services for retirement systems, pension funds and investment boards subject to the Code (excluding funds established under articles 3 and 4 of the Code).

Waiver of Minimum Required Distributions for 2009

By David A. Berek
, Page 102
A new law lessens the impact of the market downturn on retirement accounts.

A Primer on Qualified Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans

By Stephen M. Margolin & Harvey S. Shifrin
, Page 376
Pension and profit-sharing plans are more valuable than ever. Here's an overview for business advisors.

Courts should not overweigh lone medical opinions in benefits cases

Illinois Law Update
, Page 584
On September 15, 2006, the Illinois Appellate Court, Fifth District, reversed the decision of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, which had affirmed the decision of the Murphysboro Firefighters Pension Board of Trustees (Board) denying the plaintiff duty-disability pension benefits

State University Retirement System creates new rule regarding “earnings”

Illinois Law Update
, Page 404
Effective May 9, 2006, the Illinois State Universities Retirement System (SURS) has added a new section to 80 Ill Adm Code 1600. 

Teachers allowed to elect Medicare coverage PA 094-724

Illinois Law Update
, Page 174
The Illinois General Assembly recently amended the Illinois Pension Code (Code) by adding section 17-130.3 (40 ILCS 5/17-130.3).

The Illinois Pension Code expands those entitled to receive monthly and annual increases in annuities PA 094-0719

Illinois Law Update
, Page 118
Section 167.1 of the Illinois Pension Code, 40 ILCS 5/5-167.1, has been amended to expand the category of police officers who are subject to both the monthly and annual increases in their annuity to include those born after January 1, 1950, and before January 1, 1955. 

Procedure for filling vacancies on the Board of Trustees of the Teachers’ Retirement System amended PA 094-710

Illinois Law Update
, Page 118
With regard to vacancies on the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Teachers' Retirement System, section 16-165 of the Illinois Pension Code, 40 ILCS 5/16-165, was amended.

Convicted felon forfeits only those benefits related to the felony and his or her employment

Illinois Law Update
, Page 622
On October 6, 2005, the Illinois Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the Illinois Appellate Court, First District, which held that the petitioner had a right to all of his municipal pension funds that were unrelated to a prior felony conviction.

Part-time/concurrent service may be considered to determine service time under SURS

Illinois Law Update
, Page 622
Effective September 6, 2005, the Illinois State Universities retirement System has added a new section to Part 1600 of Title 80, 80 Ill Adm Code 1600.

New requirements to report teachers’ service and earnings credit

Illinois Law Update
, Page 564
Effective August 9, 2005, the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) has added a new section to Part 1650 of Title 80, 80 Ill Adm Code 1650. 

Participants in SURS benefit plans may elect to make contributions during military leave

Illinois Law Update
, Page 506
In Part 1600 of Title 80, 80 Ill Adm Code 1600, the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) has added a new section. 

Using QDROs to Collect Support Payments: The Impact of In re Marriage of Thomas

By Joseph N. DuCanto
, Page 474
Thomas empowers courts to use an ex-spouse's pension benefits to meet maintenance and support obligations.

Illinois pension recipients win at high court

By Helen W. Gunnarsson
, Page 390
The U.S. Supreme Court upholds ERISA's "anti-cutback" provision, ruling that pension plans can't retroactively limit the kinds of jobs workers can take after they retire.

Marital settlement agreement awarding a percentage of a military pension does not entitle a spouse to receive a portion of disability benefits received in lieu of retirement pay; the additional amount owed per the agreement must be paid from alternate fun

Illinois Law Update
, Page 492
On July 11, 2003, the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District, affirmed in part and reversed in part orders of the Circuit Court of Du Page County awarding the former wife to a portion of her former husband's military pension and disability benefits.

Changes made to beneficiaries under Teachers’ Retirement System P.A. 92-0862

Illinois Law Update
, Page 226
The State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971 was amended recently by changing section 6.5.


By Helen W. Gunnarsson
, Page 220
Too many lawyers fail to distinguish between these two orders, both of which govern the payment of pension benefits on divorce; but under very different circumstances.

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