2024 Articles

Freelance workers must be paid by the date specified in the contract, or within 30 days after completion of the work if no date is specified

Illinois Law Update
, Page 20
The Illinois General Assembly passed the Freelance Worker Protection Act. The Act provides that a freelance worker shall be paid the contracted compensation amount on or before the date the compensation is due under the terms of the contract.

Genuine issue of material fact on question of apparent agency exists when a patient is not informed that their physician is an independent contractor

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
On Jan. 25, 2024, the First District of the Illinois Appellate Court held that a genuine issue of material fact exists as to apparent agency when a hospital patient does not know their physician is an independent contractor.

Get Out There

By Shawn S. Kasserman
, Page 9
Bar association events of all sizes and locations are great places for making new friends, receiving and giving support, and sharing ideas.

Get Ready to Vote

, Page 10
Every vote counts in this year’s ISBA elections, which include a competitive race for third vice-president.

A Giant Leap Forward

By Ed Finkel
Cover Story
, Page 24
Legal research giant vLex Fastcase, whose database and tools are free to ISBA members, to implement AI across its products by the end of 2024.

Going Negative

By Patrick Barry
, Page 44
Negative feedback is medicine served best to the right people at the right time.

Guardianship training programs must include content regarding Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Illinois General Assembly amended the Guardianship and Advocacy Act. The state’s guardianship training program, which covers the duties and responsibilities of guardians appointed under the Probate Act, must now include content regarding Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Hassle-Free Scheduling

By Jeffrey S. Krause
, Page 44
Bring order to calendar chaos with a scheduling assistant.

Hospitals required to submit treatment plans for transfer services or medical forensic services for sexual assault survivors

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Department of Public Health adopted amendments to its Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Code. Within 60 days of the department’s request, hospitals must submit a plan to provide either transfer services to all sexual assault survivors, medical forensic services to all sexual assault survivors, or transfer services to pediatric sexual assault survivors; and medical forensic services to sexual assault survivors 13 years and older.

If motion to reconsider conviction is untimely, notice of appeal is also untimely

Illinois Law Update
, Page 20
On May 23, 2024, the Illinois Supreme Court held that if a motion to reconsider conviction is untimely, a notice of appeal is also untimely.

Illinois Appellate Court adopts broader interpretation of Workers’ Compensation Act to allow for recovery of nonscheduled losses

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
On May 31, 2024, the Fifth District of the Illinois Appellate Court held a claimant may recover worker’s compensation benefits for nonscheduled losses that could affect earning capacity.

Illinois Appellate Court finds the state violated equal-protection measures in jury selection

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
On May 31, 2024, the First District of the Illinois Appellate Court held the state’s use of peremptory challenges to exclude five black prospective jurors during jury selection violated the federal and Illinois constitutions’ respective equal-protection clause.

The Illinois Appellate Court lacks jurisdiction to hear interlocutory appeals by municipalities from orders granting motions to suppress in connection with municipal code violations

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
On March 7, 2024, the Third District of the Illinois Appellate Court held municipalities cannot appeal suppression-of-evidence orders in cases concerning municipal code violations.

Illinois Appellate Court mandates timely pretrial release hearings

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
On June 7, 2024, the Second District of the Illinois Appellate Court held a defendant’s motion for pretrial release must be heard in a timely manner.

Illinois Criminal Code no longer references the imposition and execution of death sentences

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Illinois General Assembly amended the Criminal Code of 2012. The amendments removed all references related to the imposition of a death sentence.

Illinois does not recognize common-law peer-review privilege, but Illinois reporter’s privilege statutes protect academic journals

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
On Oct. 27, 2023, the First District of the Illinois Appellate Court held that Illinois does not recognize a common-law peer-review privilege, but the Illinois reporter’s privilege statutes protect academic journals from disclosing their sources.

Illinois earned income tax credit increased to 20 percent of the federal credit; eligibility extended to certain individuals without dependents and those without Social Security numbers

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Department of Revenue adopted amendments to the Part titled Income Tax. The Illinois earned income tax credit has been increased to 20 percent of the federal earned income tax credit for each taxable year beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2023.

Income eligibility threshold increased for medical assistance for children under 19; Parts repealed

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
 The Department of Healthcare and Family Services adopted amendments to its Medical Assistance Programs. The countable monthly income eligibility threshold for children under age 19 to receive medical assistance is now raised from 133 percent to 313 percent of the federal poverty level.

Individuals without Social Security numbers can now apply for driver’s licenses, if eligible for visa status

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
The Office of the Secretary of State adopted amendments allowing individuals without a Social Security number eligible for a visa status or nonvisa status a temporary visitor’s driver’s license to apply for a standard driver’s license or identification card.

Information from automated license plate readers cannot be shared with state or local jurisdictions to enforce laws that deny reproductive care or permit investigation of persons based on immigration status

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
The Illinois General Assembly amended the Illinois Vehicle Code. An automated license plate reader (ALPR) is an electronic device that can record data or take a photograph of a vehicle or its license plate and compare the collected data to existing law enforcement databases for investigative purposes.

Instant Karma

By Robert S. Held
, Page 26
A fiduciary relationship is created when a power of attorney is signed.
1 comment (Most recent April 12, 2024)

Insurance clauses prohibiting stacking of liability coverage are allowed

Illinois Law Update
, Page 20
On May 23, 2024, the Illinois Supreme Court held that insurance clauses prohibiting the stacking of liability coverage are allowed.

Insurance policy’s exclusion for “knowing violation of rights of another” bars coverage when allegations of the underlying complaint allege malicious acts

Illinois Law Update
, Page 20
On April 19, 2024, the First District of the Illinois Appellate Court held that an insurance policy’s exclusion for “knowing violation of rights of another” bars coverage when allegations of the complaint in the underlying matter allege malicious acts.

Joining the AI Revolution

By Pete Sherman
, Page 10
ISBA creates Standing Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Practice of Law.

Judges may consider additional factors in determining criminal prosecution of a minor; mitigating factors for minors’ sentencings

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Illinois General Assembly amended the Juvenile Court Act of 1987. The amendments added new evaluation criteria for judges to determine whether a minor 15 years or older shall be criminally prosecuted or is amenable to the care, treatment, and programs of juvenile court.

Judgment notwithstanding the verdict is proper when jury’s answer on a special interrogatory is inconsistent with its verdict

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
On Oct. 19, 2023, the Illinois Supreme Court held that a judgment notwithstanding the verdict is proper when a jury’s answer to a special interrogatory is inconsistent with its general verdict.

A Key Piece to the Puzzle

By Amelia Buragas
, Page 10
As the Illinois Supreme Court eyes access to justice, it establishes a committee to ponder the practicalities of where lawyers fit in.

Knowing Better

By Amelia Buragas
, Page 12
An ISBA proposal cracking down on misconduct, including sexual harassment, in the legal profession is adopted by the Illinois Supreme Court.

Law enforcement may not stop or search motor vehicles where objects placed or suspended between the driver and front windshield materially obstruct the driver’s view

Illinois Law Update
, Page 18
The Illinois General Assembly amended the Illinois Vehicle Code. Under the Code, drivers are prohibited from operating a motor vehicle where any object placed or suspended between the driver and front windshield materially obstructs their view.

Lawyer as Peacemaker

By Patrick G. King
, Page 38
The hidden role of peacemaker in the Preamble to the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct.
1 comment (Most recent March 3, 2024)