ISBA President John G. Locallo will use his bully pulpit to help lawyers understand the power and importance of practice-oriented technology.
Illinois Bar Journal | July 2011 Table of Contents
July 2011 • Volume 99 • Number 7

Practice News
Inappropriate posting, texting, and tweeting by jurors can wreak havoc with the trial process.
In Ries v City of Chicago, the Illinois Supreme Court held that willful and wanton conduct does not create a general exception to the Tort Immunity Act's blanket immunities.
An overview of penalties available under federal and state law for abusive collection techniques.
A recent change to the law allows specified family members of deceased U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents to become permanent residents.
ISBA's new president outlines his year to come.
It protects renters whose apartments are being converted and buyers of the new condos.
Employer-based health insurance should be treated as marital property.
Interviews with Supreme Court justices about effective advocacy are themselves good models.