The last body of cases from a court that included Justices Bilandic, Heiple, Miller, and Rathje.
Illinois Bar Journal | April 2001 Table of Contents
April 2001 • Volume 89 • Number 4

Practice News
The court reviewed a remarkable 45 death-penalty cases and cleared up confusion about guilty-plea appeals.
The authors recommend that the General Assembly require judges to admonish noncitizen defendants that they could be deported if they plead guilty.
How to defeat a post-deposition affidavit that comes in response to a motion for summary judgment.
Helping property taxpayers with reductions: not necessarily UPL?
In the struggle between the stone and the water, in time, the water wins. -Chinese proverb
Police can keep suspects out of their own homes; adoption by one spouse only; arbitration clauses and fee agreements; and more.
What if, instead of buying a lot of separate programs, you put all of your data on one computer and use a standard Web browser like Internet Explorer to input, search, and display the results?
Some writing has special power; the power to move people. And isn't that what lawyers aspire to do?
(U) decided without dissent
Being the subject of an ARDC grievance is a lawyer's nightmare. Here's what to do; and what not to; if it happens to you.