An overview of Rule 213(f) and (g) and the cases interpreting them.
Illinois Bar Journal | January 2001 Table of Contents
January 2001 • Volume 89 • Number 1
Practice News
Guidelines for conducting opinion witness discovery in Illinois.
The developing law firm in Illinois governing adoption by gay couples.
What constitutes sufficient notice under Illinois' version of the UCC? This article reviews three important cases.
Rule 213 pointers for med-mal lawyers.
Defense lawyers: think "trial" the minute you get a case.
The Bluebook and Supreme Court Rule 6; you can't follow both.
The president of any organization gets an overview of what is happening. This year we are losing two members of our Board of Governors who cannot run again because of age or term limitations.
Standard of review for fee suits; U.S. Supremes just say no to drug-sniffing dogs at checkpoints; employee claims rejected by 7CA; and more.
If you run the business side of a law practice, you've probably had a day or two like this one.
Somewhere between "the one hand" and "the other" may be the answer your client hired you to provide.