The courts and legislature should avoid pleas for false symmetry among the three, this author argues.
Illinois Bar Journal | December 2000 Table of Contents
December 2000 • Volume 88 • Number 12

Practice News
Under Illinois law, "best efforts" promises apparently are not binding when the parties have failed to specify a level of performance. The author discusses the implications.
How far can psychological experts go in bolstering witness credibility? The authors review the law in Illinois.
Make no mistake about it—representing taxpayers before Illinois assessment officials constitutes the practice of law, this author says.
Increase the efficiency and profitability of your real estate practice.
This article discusses the important and sometimes elusive distinction between the two accounts.
There is a destiny that makes us brothers, none goes this way alone
All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own
Extra protection against self-incrimination; grandparents get their (bad) day in court; and more.
You'll waste your investment in hardware and software if you don't invest some time and effort in training people how to use it.
A gallery of horrors awaits legal writers who aren't attentive to; or who play fast and loose with; the details.
It's a common situation; a small group seeking a lawyer's help in forming a closely held business entity; that presents multiple malpractice traps for lawyers.