A judge's perspective on how courts do—and should—respond to alleged juror misconduct and prejudice.
Illinois Bar Journal | October 2000 Table of Contents
October 2000 • Volume 88 • Number 10

Practice News
Far from drawing bright lines, these rulings have raised new uncertainties, this author argues.
The Chicago International Dispute Resolution Association provides our region with a new arbitration forum. Find out more.
The basics of protecting e-mail and electronic information from interception.
Help employers design an attendance policy that complies with the Family and Medical Leave Act.
I began my year as president of the Illinois State Bar Association by saying I would start no new programs.
This month's featured honoree: Chicago litigator James Montgomery.
The illusion of insurance exclusion; lease lacking, landlord loses; OSHA makes house calls; and more.
It may not be in your client's best interest to approach your relationship with opposing counsel as if it were war.
Learn in chilling detail the enormous risk you take when you cut corners on staff training and supervision, and find out what to do about it.