This article highlights various Illinois statutes that give grandparents legal authority to make decisions affecting their grandchildren.
Illinois Bar Journal | September 1999 Table of Contents
September 1999 • Volume 87 • Number 9

Practice News
The present state of the law for private causes of action under the Consumer Fraud Act.
A review of some of the sophisticated strategies estate planners use to minimize taxes on the transfer at death of IRA and other tax-deferred assets.
The author reviews IMDMA section 610 and the applicable cases and argues that custody transfers within two years of a final custody order should be granted only under emergency circumstances.
The authors note that several Illinois courts have distributed awards for strictly personal damage (i.e., pain and suffering) disproportionately to the injured spouse on divorce even when the cause of action arose during marriage.
Competition is more fierce than ever, clients are more demanding; but you can rise to the challenge if you think like an entrepreneur, not a ``technician.''
Here's how to screen prospective hires for good legal writing skills.
More and more Illinois primary law is available on the Net. Here are some of the best sources.