The Illinois Supreme Court has found that the economic loss doctrine bars tort malpractice claims against some professionals but not others. But where to draw the line...?
Illinois Bar Journal | November 1998 Table of Contents
November 1998 • Volume 86 • Number 11

Practice News
Here's how this soon-to-be published Restatement is likely to affect lawyer malpractice liability in Illinois.
A comprehensive review of permissible cross-examination of medical experts under Illinois law.
Courts have misconstrued the ISRA to plaintiffs' detriment, this author argues.
UPL, ADR, judicial independence, technology—all were on the docket at this year's forward-looking Allerton House Conference.
This month's IBJ features a pair of articles that deal in some way with lawyer civil liability.
I was recently asked to speak for our profession on a particular issue.
Bar service is an enjoyable and rewarding way to contribute to our profession and our association.
Small firms face special challenges in keeping and recruiting good staff. But they have some special advantage, too.
It's not hard to find the latest state and Illinois-based federal court rules . . . if you know where to look.
Saying "no'' to job applicants is never pleasant, but here's how to make rejection letters less painful for sender and recipient