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Illinois Bar Journal | December 2011 Table of Contents
December 2011 • Volume 99 • Number 12

Practice News
Effective January 1, Illinois law gives your clients a convenient way to transfer residential real estate outside of probate. Here's a review of the new law by one of its drafters.
Recent Illinois Supreme Court cases make it less likely that criminal defendants' petitions will be quickly dismissed as frivolous under the Illinois Post-Conviction Hearing Act.
Standard IRAs are exempt in bankruptcy and thus unavailable to creditors. But what if the debtor inherited the IRA account - is it likewise exempt? A look at the evolving case law.
This year's Allerton Conference focused on electronic evidence, spoliation, and other important topics not squarely addressed by Illinois' recent evidence-rules codification.
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Deck your smartphone with some of these lawyer-friendly apps.
The Illinois Parentage Act should be amended to make it easier for same-sex partners to establish their parenthood.
Corporations are often treated differently than other businesses for jurisdictional purposes.
An interview with a lawyer who did just that.