Trusts and Estates

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The mission of ISBA Trusts and Estates Section

  • to be responsible for activities relating to the education of probate, estate planning and trust law practitioners;
  • to promote and work for the development, modernization and improvement of legislation relating to the estate planning, probate and trust areas of the law; and
  • to review relevant matters and issues, and to study and recommend solutions to various problems involving the public, the courts, and attorneys insofar as the areas of concern of the section are involved.


Estate Planning Hot Topics - David M. Lutrey on ILITs and Raymond W. Prather on Same Sex Couples

Quick Takes for Your Practice - 3 to 5 minute videos on various legal topics.

Tools and Resources

Consumer Guides


David Thies giving plaque to outgoing chair, Robert Kaufman
David Thies giving plaque to outgoing chair, Robert Kaufman