Section Activities Summary

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Below is a summary of activities of this section from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. While past activity is no guarantee of future activity, it may give a idea of what to expect this year.

Section Stats


During the 2023–24 bar year, the Section published twelve newsletters. Articles included:

Continuing Legal Education

Section members receive discounts on section-sponsored CLE programs. During the 2023–24 bar year, the Section sponsored the following programs:

ISBA Central Discussions

ISBA Central communities allows section members to pose questions, answer questions, and share information with fellow section members. Members of the section get free access to the section’s community. Joining any section also grants you access to the Transactional and Litigation communities. Below are the total number of discussion posts during the 2023–24 bar year.

Trusts and Estates

  • Community members: 2,544
  • Total discussion posts: 2,776


  • Community members: 29,383
  • Total discussion posts: 551


  • Community members: 29,384
  • Total discussion posts: 1,463


The Section Council reviewed 55 bills that may affect their members’ practice area. Highlights of the most recent legislative session include:

  • Senate Bill 2921 expands the State Death Tax Credit under the Illinois Estate and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act.
  • Senate Bill 3421 amends the Illinois Power of Attorney Act to provide that it is unreasonable for a third party to refuse to honor an Illinois statutory short form power of attorney for property properly executed in accordance with the laws in effect at the time of its execution, if the only reason for the refusal is one of a specified list.
  • House Bill 4251 amends the Electronic Nontestamentary Estate Planning Documents Article of the Electronic Wills and Remote Witnesses Act to clarify that the Article does not apply to a nontestamentary estate planning document, will, or terms of a trust if the terms governing the document expressly preclude use of an electronic record or electronic signature.