Respectful pronoun usage in the legal sector is a matter of professionalism, courtesy, respect, and competence.
Illinois Bar Journal | March 2024 Table of Contents
March 2024 • Volume 112 • Number 3
Practice News
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Labor join forces to protect undocumented witnesses in labor investigations.
The often-overlooked issue of vicarious trauma among lawyers representing clients in distressing cases.
The hidden role of peacemaker in the Preamble to the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct.
A reader promotes the benefits of limited-scope representation in mediations.
Bar association events of all sizes and locations are great places for making new friends, receiving and giving support, and sharing ideas.
Every vote counts in this year’s ISBA elections, which include a competitive race for third vice-president.
Set yourself up for success at your next conference.
Negative feedback is medicine served best to the right people at the right time.