166 Symphony Way, LLC v. U.S. Property Investments Group, LLC

Illinois Appellate Court
Civil Court
Attorneys Fees
Case Number: 
2025 IL App (2d) 240040
Decision Date: 
Friday, February 14, 2025
2d DIst.
Kane Co.

In a case involving a dispute about a driveway easement, the appellate court was asked to review the reasonableness of the attorney’s fees awarded to plaintiffs after the trial court found that the plaintiffs were entitled to attorney fees under an easement agreement. On appeal, defendant argued that the trial court incorrectly awarded attorney fees to both plaintiffs, either separately or together, because neither was a party to or a third-party beneficiary of the easement agreement and that the trial court erred when it denied defendant’s motion for indemnification. The appellate court affirmed and ordered that defendants pay additional attorneys fees incurred by plaintiffs during the appeal. (JORGENSEN and MULLEN, concurring)