Government Lawyer Survey
1. I am presently employed by/in:
_____ Federal government _____ State of Illinois _____ local government
_____ private practice representing governmental clients.
2. I am employed as a government attorney: _____full time _____part time.
3. I have worked for my present employer for: _____Years _____Months.
4. I was formerly employed as an attorney by the following entities for the indicated period :
_____Federal government: _____Years _____ State Government: _____Years
_____Local government: _____Years
5. I am presently a member of the following bar/legal associations:
_____Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) _____American Bar Association (ABA)
_____Chicago Bar Association (CBA) _____County/Local Bar Association
_____Specialty/Ethnic Bar Association _____Other (please specify)________________
6. I was formerly a member of the following bar/legal associations (mark all and list in number of years how long you were a member of each association):
_____ Illinois State Bar Association ____Years _____American Bar Association _____Years
_____ Chicago BarAssociation _____Years _____County/Local Bar Association _____Years
_____ Specialty/Ethnic Bar Association _____Years _____Other (please specify) _______________
7. (If applicable) I did not renew my membership in bar associations of which I was formerly a member for the following reasons (please rank your reasons, if more than one, in order of importance, with 1 being the most important reason, 2 the next most important reason, etc.)
_____dues too expensive | _____did not receive value in return for membership |
_____area/location of practice changed | _____unable to participate in bar activities due to time |
constraints | |
_____employer discouraged participation | _____not appointed to bar association committee(s) even |
though expressed interest in participating |
_____other (please briefly describe)____________________________________________________
8. (If applicable) I have never joined a bar association for the following reasons (please rank your reasons, if more than one, in order of importance, with 1 being the most important reason, 2 the next most important reason, etc.):
_____ dues too expensive ____ did not feel I would receive value in return for membership _____ employer discourages participation ____ unable to participate in bar activities due to time constraints
_____ other (please briefly describe)______________________________________________________
9. If you are not currently a member of the ISBA, what would encourage you to join?
10. My present employer pays for all or some of my bar association dues: _____Yes ____No
11. My past employer(s) paid for some or all of my bar association dues: _____Yes ____ No
12. If my employer were to pay some or all my bar association dues, I would be more likely to join and/or continue my membership in various bar associations: _____Yes _____No
13. What is your current salary?
(a) Less than $5,000 _____ | (d) $15,000 - $25,000 _____ | (g) $45,000 - $55,000 _____ |
(b) Less than $10,000 ____ | (e) $25,000 - $35,000 _____ | (h) $55,000 - $65,000 _____ |
(c) $10,000 - $15,000 ____ | (f) $35,000 - $45,000 _____ | (i) $65,000 - $75,000 _____ |
(j) Over $75,000 ________
14. Do you foresee government practice as a lifetime career? _____Yes _____No
15. What factors would cause you to leave government practice?
_____Salary _____Benefits
_____Politics _____Lack of professional development
_____Hours _____Other (please briefly describe)_____________________
16. Do you have any additional comments regarding the ISBA or the Committe on Government Lawyers?__________________________________________________________________________
Thank you for participating in our survey. Please return completed surveys by mail to Ann Boucher at: Illinois State Bar Association, 424 South Second Street, Springfield, IL 62701; fax completed surveys to Ann Boucher at 217/525-0712; or complete and submit your responses electronically at