Illinois Supreme Court Amends Rules on Waivers of Fees and Assessments

Posted on May 30, 2023 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

The Illinois Supreme Court announced today amendments to Supreme Court Rules 298 and 404 regarding the application and filing process of waivers of court fees and assessments. These and earlier amendments to Supreme Court Rules make permanent certain temporary measures which were adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Like the Law, Happiness is a Practice

Presented by the Illinois State Bar Association

1.0 hour MCLE credit, including 1.0 hour
Professional Responsibility MCLE credit in the following category: Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Original Program Date: May 25, 2023
Accreditation Expiration Date: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­June 12, 2025 (You must certify completion and save your certificate before this date to get MCLE credit)

A common misconception about happiness is that it is something that happens to us. To the contrary, scientific research has revealed that happiness requires intentional practice. We cannot just hope to be happy; we must work at it. Don’t miss this workshop that introduces attendees to the science of happiness and satisfaction in the legal profession. It provides scientific support for the importance of happiness to the practice of law and teaches participants science-based techniques for pursuing happiness and satisfaction in a healthy way. Attorneys who attend this online program will learn:
  • How lawyers are a vulnerable population
  • Why lawyer happiness matters
  • How happiness is a practice
  • 3 factors which may determine our level of happiness and satisfaction as lawyers
  • The difference between pursuing happiness and falling prey to toxic positivity
  • Science-based skills for pursing happiness while avoiding toxic positivity

Program Speakers:

Nora Riva Bergman, Real Life Practice, Florida
Chelsy Castro
, Castro Jacobs Psychotherapy and Consulting (CIPC), Chicago

Pricing Information

  • Please Note: You must attend the entire program in order to earn MCLE credit for this seminar.
  • ISBA sponsoring section members get a $10 registration discount (which is automatically calculated in your cart when you log in to register).
  • Fees:
    • ISBA Member Price of $30 is displayed below when you login and program is eligible for Free CLE member benefit
    • Non-Member Price $50
    • New Attorney Member (within the first five years of practice) - $25
    • Law Students - Free

Implications for Religious Speech in Public Schools after Kennedy v. Bremerton

Presented by the ISBA Human and Civil Rights Law Section
Co-sponsored by the ISBA Diversity Leadership Council and ISBA Education Law Section

2.0 hours MCLE credit

Original Program Date: May 25, 2023
Accreditation Expiration Date: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­May 31, 2025 (You must certify completion and save your certificate before this date to get MCLE credit)

Join us for an in-depth look at Kennedy v. Bremerton[1] and how the U.S. Supreme Court decision has impacted First Amendment rights, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Establishment Clause, and public schools. Education lawyers, civil rights attorneys, racial and ethnic minority counsel, and general practitioners who attend this online program will better understand:
  • The holding in Kennedy v. Bremerton and the post-Lemon analysis for Establishment Clauses cases;
  • The implications of the Court’s direction to evaluate the Establishment Clause through reference to historical practices and original meaning;
  • How the Kennedy v. Bremerton decision may impact the rights of religious minorities and other minority students; and
  • The policy implications for public school districts vis-à-vis employees and job descriptions in order to comply with the holding of the SCOTUS majority.

Program Coordinator:
Hon. Junaid M. Afeef, Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago

Program Speakers:
Prof. Cindy G. Buys, Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale
Zubair A. Khan, Trivedi & Khan P.C., Schaumburg
Pamela E. Simaga
, Hodges Loizzi Eisenhammer Rodick & Kohn LLP, Itasca


Pricing Information

  • Please Note: You must attend the entire program in order to earn MCLE credit for this seminar.
  • ISBA sponsoring section members get a $10 registration discount (which is automatically calculated in your cart when you log in to register).
  • Fees:
    • ISBA Member Price of $60 is displayed below when you login and program is eligible for Free CLE member benefit
    • Non-Member Price $100
    • New Attorney Member (within the first five years of practice) - $25
    • Law Students - Free

Occupational Safety & Health Administration: Inspections, Citations, and Whistleblowers

Presented by the ISBA Labor & Employment Law Section

2.0 hours MCLE credit

Original Program Date: May 24, 2023
Accreditation Expiration Date: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­May 31, 2025 (You must certify completion and save your certificate before this date to get MCLE credit)

Every employer – including law firms – needs to comply with the standards promulgated by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration and to understand its authority to issue standards for a safe and healthy workplace and to investigate whether companies have violated those standards and/or taken adverse employment actions against employees who have complained about their companies’ violations of those standards. Join us for an in-depth look at how companies may reduce the risk of receiving a citation, OSHA’s procedures for investigating alleged safety and health violations, how citations are issued, how to contest these citations, and how citations are prosecuted and appealed administratively and through the federal courts. In addition, learn about whistleblower complaints and well as their investigation and prosecution by OSHA and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Solicitor of Labor.

Program Coordinator/Moderator:
Alan M. Kaplan , Union and Employment Advisory LLC, Deerfield

Program Speakers:
Carlos Galindo, U.S. Compliance Corp., Chicago
Kenneth A. Henry , Attorney at Law, Chicago
Alan M. Kaplan
, Union and Employment Advisory LLC, Deerfield

Pricing Information

  • Please Note: You must attend the entire program in order to earn MCLE credit for this seminar.
  • ISBA sponsoring section members get a $10 registration discount (which is automatically calculated in your cart when you log in to register).
  • Fees:
    • ISBA Member Price of $60 is displayed below when you login and program is eligible for Free CLE member benefit
    • Non-Member Price $100
    • New Attorney Member (within the first five years of practice) - $25
    • Law Students - Free