CLE: ISBA’s Solo & Small Firm Conference 2022: Navigating the New Normal – Your Modern Practice

Posted on August 12, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

ISBA’s two-day Solo and Small Firm Conference is back, allowing you to earn CLE credit  while networking with colleagues in person once again! Join us in Springfield for this in-depth look at how to navigate the new normal. Get fresh ideas to help you adapt to the changes in the practice, learn how to defend your firm against cybersecurity breaches, discover which technology can help you manage your hybrid practice, and learn how to use social media in marketing.

ISBA President Rory Weiler Applauds the Adoption of ABA Resolution 402

Posted on August 9, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

Today, history was made by the ABA House of Delegates. In an age where other professionals are being bought and sold like commodities, the ABA's House of Delegates reaffirmed a decades old ABA policy that non-lawyer ownership of law firms, and fee splitting with non-lawyers is anathema to the legal profession and in direct conflict with the core values that have sustained our profession for generations. In the legal profession, protection of the public, particularly against predatory pecuniary policies is paramount, and will continue to be the primary focus of our profession.

American Bar Association’s House of Delegates Adopts Resolution on Nonlawyer Ownership of Law Firms and Sharing Legal Fees With Nonlawyers, Which Was Sponsored and Proposed by the Illinois State Bar Association

Posted on August 9, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

On Tuesday, August 9, the American Bar Association’s House of Delegates formally adopted Resolution 402, which reaffirms longstanding ABA policy adopted in July 2000 that sharing legal fees with nonlawyers and the ownership or control of law practices by nonlawyers is inconsistent with the core values of the legal profession. The Resolution was sponsored and proposed by the Illinois State Bar Association.

From Illinois to Delaware

Posted on August 8, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

Trusts, of course, are frequently utilized as asset-protection mechanisms. Still, writes Ira N. Helfgot in his August Illinois Bar Journal article, “From Illinois to Delaware,” many creditors are unfamiliar with how to proceed with collecting from trusts, particularly from Delaware trusts. Helfgot offers a primer for creditors attempting to collect their judgments against Illinois and Delaware trusts and explains what attorneys need to know about the differences between Delaware and Illinois trust instruments. 

CLE: Illinois Makes General Contractors Liable for Paying Subcontractors’ Workers – NOW WHAT?

Posted on August 8, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

Public Act 102-1076, which was signed by Gov. JB Pritzker and went into effect on July 1, 2022, makes a prime contractor personally liable for unpaid lower tier wages and other employee benefits, gives a variety of remedies to unpaid employees against their employer (and, now, against prime contractors), and obligates subcontractors to indemnify general contractors under some circumstances. The Act significantly impacts the risks of general contractors and subcontractors engaged in building projects in Illinois.

Commission on Professionalism Preserves Justice Rita Garman’s (Ret.) Story in Its Signature Profiles in Professionalism Interview Series

Posted on August 3, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism is pleased to announce the release of a Profiles in Professionalism video featuring Justice Rita B. Garman (Ret.).  

The Commission’s Profiles in Professionalism series highlights distinguished members of the legal profession at the end of their careers. Previous videos include interviews with former Illinois Supreme Court Chief Justices Mary Ann McMorrow and Thomas R. Fitzgerald. The Commission interviewed Justice Garman on June 28, 2022, just days before her retirement. 

Illinois State Bar Association Co-Sponsors Proposed American Bar Association Resolution and Report on Nonlawyer Ownership of Law Firms and Sharing Legal Fees With Nonlawyers

Posted on August 3, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

Working with other states and entities across the American Bar Association, the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) is the co-sponsor of a proposed Resolution and Report in the ABA House of Delegates that seeks to reaffirm longstanding ABA policy adopted in July 2000 that sharing legal fees with nonlawyers and the ownership or control of law practices by nonlawyers is inconsistent with the core values of the legal profession.