CLE: Administrative Law Hearings: The Central Panel Adjudication Model

Posted on March 8, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

Join us from the comfort of your home or office for this in-depth look at the central panel adjudication model, which is designed to ensure that administrative law judges are employed separately from the agencies that they serve in an effort to provide fair and unbiased judicial decisions.

Legal Services Corporation - Notice of Grant Funds Available for Calendar Year 2023

Posted on March 7, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) announces the availability of grant funds to provide civil legal services to eligible clients during calendar year 2023. In accordance with LSC’s multiyear funding policy, grants are available for only specified service areas.

Guilty as Charged?

Posted on March 7, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

It was 1972 and Jeffrey Hicken was a newly minted lawyer who landed a state government job reviewing cases of convicted and incarcerated felons and, where possible, write up their appeals. At $150 a week, it wasn’t much money, but he was thrilled. As to his win-loss ratio? That’s easy—he almost never won. One day a hefty parcel labeled People v. J.T. Darling appeared on his desk. It contained a trial transcript, documents, and reports about the burglary conviction of Mr. Darling, or “JT”, who had just begun a six to 12-year sentence at the Menard Correctional Center. JT was from Goofy Ridge, Illinois, where the crime took place. JT’s case would lead Hicken to learn one of his most formative lessons as an attorney.

Illinois Courts Commission Seeks First Executive Director

Posted on March 3, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

The Illinois Courts Commission (Commission) is seeking applicants for the position of Executive Director and General Counsel. The selected candidate will serve as the head of the agency and will supervise its day-to-day operations.

The Commission is the state’s judicial disciplinary body under Article VI, Section 15 of the Illinois Constitution. Containing members drawn from the Supreme Court, the Appellate Court, and the Circuit Court, as well as public members who are not judges, the Commission decides complaints brought by the Judicial Inquiry Board against judges alleged to have committed misconduct or to be physically or mentally unable to perform their duties.

The Magic of Online Client Intake

Posted on February 28, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

The COVID-19 pandemic has been credited—or, depending on your point of view, blamed—for accelerating adoption of technologies that the legal profession had, until the past two years, been warming up to.  The March Illinois Bar Journal’s cover story, “The Magic of Online Client Intake,” explores solutions that gather client intake data; streamlines orientation and onboarding; and allows attorneys, clients, and other parties to communicate on cases and matters all within a central cloud-based hub.