Memorial Proceeding for Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens to Be Held Thursday, December 5

Posted on October 30, 2019 by Rhys Saunders

Chief Judge Diane P. Wood announced that the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit will have a memorial proceeding for Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2019, at 9:30 a.m., in the James B. Parsons Ceremonial Courtroom on the 25th Floor of the Dirksen Federal Building at 219 South Dearborn Street in Chicago. 

Practice HQ Resource: Document Assembly Checklist

Posted on October 30, 2019 by Rhys Saunders

Many attorneys are not familiar with document automation and may use inefficient approaches to drafting documents.

The ISBA’s “Document Assembly Checklist” helps attorneys efficiently draft documents by educating them on using  “gold-standard templates,” which are single, word processor documents containing all of the provisions, required and optional, that should be included for a given document.  

Illinois Trust Code: What You Need to Know! - Part 2

Presented by the ISBA Trusts & Estate Law Section

3.5 hours MCLE credit

Original Program Date: Friday, October 11, 2019
Accreditation Expiration Date: December 15, 2024(You must certify completion and save your certificate before this date to get MCLE credit)

Illinois has created the new Illinois Trust Code, which will impact the practice of all Illinois estate planners. Join us for this full-day seminar that examines everything you need to know about the new law, including:
  • When the law goes into effect;
  • The changes to the Illinois decanting statute;
  • Creditor issues and the codification of creditor’s rights;
  • The role of environmental, social, and governmental considerations under the prudent investor rule;
  • The drafting and administrative issues that may arise in light of the new Illinois Trust Code; and
  • Much more!

Program Coordinator:
William R. Kuehn , Williston, McGibbon & Kuehn, Barrington

Program Moderator:
Susan T. Bart , Schiff Hardin LLP, Chicago

Discover what changes were made to the existing decanting statute, as well as the improvements and fixes to issues under the prior act.
Susan T. Bart, Schiff Hardin LLP, Chicago

Creditor Issues
This segment discusses Section 504, codification of creditor’s right, and the right to attach beneficial interests of settlors and beneficiaries.
Rebecca Wallenfelsz, Chapman and Cutler, LLP, Chicago

Duties and Fiduciary Succession Issues
The new law creates different duties on trustees and changes many of the existing duties. Learn which issues with trustee removal and liability you need to be aware of, while gaining a better understanding of the rights and obligations of your trustee client.
Jane Ditelberg, Northern Trust Company, Chicago

Prudent Investor Rule and Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts
This comprehensive overview explores the environmental, social, and governmental considerations placed on your trustee of the new law, including an analysis of updates to the Prudent Investor Rule. Modifications to trustee duties when administering life insurance trusts is also examined.
Suzanne Shier, Northern Trust Company, Chicago
Rebecca Wallenfelsz, Chapman and Cutler, LLP, Chicago

Revocable Trusts
This segment addresses Section 604 of the new law, including the new provisions governing revocable trusts and new limitations on actions applicable to trust contests when there is no probate.
Ryan A. Walsh, Hamilton, Thies, and Lorch, LLP, Chicago

Important Takeaways
The seminar closes with a look at the drafting and administrative issues that may arise in light of the new Illinois Trust Code, as well as how to understand and prepare for the effective date of the new law.
Ryan A. Walsh, Hamilton, Thies, and Lorch, LLP, Chicago
Rebecca Wallenfelsz, Chapman and Cutler, LLP, Chicago
Adam M. Damerow
, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, Chicago 

ISBA to Honor Class of 1969 Distinguished Counsellors on Nov. 14

Posted on October 29, 2019 by Rhys Saunders

The Illinois State Bar Association will honor the Class of 1969 Distinguished Counsellors on Nov. 14. This title is conferred annually upon those ISBA members who are completing their 50th year of practice.

The Board of Governors is pleased to announce the 2019 Class will be honored at a special luncheon on Thursday, Nov. 14 at the Palmer House Chicago. A reception will begin at 11 a.m., and lunch is scheduled promptly at 11:45 a.m.

CLE: Blockchain 2.0—Blockchain in Litigation, Legal Issues, and Practical Applications

Posted on October 28, 2019 by Rhys Saunders

Join us online from 10 to 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 7 for a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology and the impact that it may have on your legal practice. Civil practice lawyers and commercial litigation attorneys with intermediate practice experience who attend this online seminar will learn how blockchain is disrupting various aspects of the economy, how blockchain may arise in the context of litigation, and how to prepare as blockchain begins making its way into civil court cases.

8 Things Killing Your Firm

Posted on October 28, 2019 by Rhys Saunders

The Illinois Bar Journal’s November cover story examines “8 Things Killing Your Law Firm—and How to Stop Them.” The article complements a CLE program presented by Affinity Consulting Group earlier for the Illinois State Bar Association regarding common management ruts and how to get out of them using techniques such as Lean and Six Sigma.

Anne M. Burke Becomes Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court

Posted on October 28, 2019 by Rhys Saunders

Justice Anne M. Burke was elected to the office of chief justice of the Illinois Supreme Court at the court’s September 2019 Term. She will serve a three-year term commencing Oct. 26, succeeding Lloyd A. Karmeier, whose tenure as Chief Justice ended on Oct. 25, 2019.  Chief Justice Burke is the third woman to serve as chief justice, following the late Mary Ann McMorrow and current Justice Rita B. Garman.  

As chief justice, Justice Burke will serve as the chief administrative officer of the Supreme Court, which is constitutionally vested with general administrative and supervisory authority over the more than 900 judges in the statewide judicial system.  

ISBA Requests Members Complete Census for Potential Association Health Plan

Posted on October 23, 2019 by Rhys Saunders

The ISBA is requesting that members complete a census so the Association can explore options that may include potentially offering an association health plan.

Creating an association health plan could allow members that are smaller employers to obtain coverage on terms similar to those currently available to large employers.

To determine whether an association health plan is feasible, the ISBA has partnered with Mercer, the Association’s long-term employee benefit consulting firm, to gather information about its members through a short census.