Comments Sought on Proposed Succession Rule

Posted on March 21, 2018 by Sara Anderson

A signature project of ISBA President Hon. Russell W. Hartigan (ret.) is to address a situation where a lawyer becomes disabled or is otherwise no longer able to provide legal services to his or her clients. Oftentimes, but particularly with respect to solo practices, no one is prepared or competent to step in and protect client interests or the disabled lawyers’ business interests.  

Best Practice Tips: Law Practice Acquisition Proposal

Posted on March 21, 2018 by Sara Anderson

Asked and Answered

By John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC

Q. I am a partner in a three-partner, six-attorney firm in Chicago. We have had discussions with another law firm in the city regarding us acquiring their practice. The owner is 70-years-old and wants to retire and exit his practice. My partners and I have looked over the numbers and believe this would be an excellent opportunity for us to expand our client base. The practice handles the same type of work that we do. We are unsure what our next step should be. Do you have any suggestions?

Yes, You Need a Password Manager

Posted on March 15, 2018 by Mark S. Mathewson

Are all of your important passwords written down somewhere? Maybe on a sheet of paper in your desk? If so, it's probably time to upgrade to a password manager. Barron Henley writes in the March Illinois Bar Journal.

"A password manager is a program that can securely store and organize passwords, login credentials, credit card information, bank account information, IDs (driver's licenses, passports, etc.), and any other piece of information you might need (e.g., your children's social security numbers, your Delta frequent flyer number, or the license plate number for your car)," Henley writes.

Best Practice Tips: Attorney Career Progression

Posted on March 14, 2018 by Sara Anderson

Asked and Answered

By John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC

Q. I am a member of a three-member executive committee with a 12-attorney firm in San Antonio, Texas. One of our responsibilities is oversight of our career development program for associates and non-equity partners. We have been discussing our policy of admitting associates to non-equity partner and non-equity partners to equity partner. Presently, we do not have anything in writing regarding timeline for consideration or what qualifies one to move to the next level. Associates and non-equity partners are unhappy with the present process. They want more clarity concerning their career advancement within the firm. Your advice would be helpful to us.

Choose LawPay, the Proven Payment Partner

Posted on March 14, 2018 by Sara Anderson

For more than a decade, LawPay has been the go-to solution for legal payments because our simple online payment solution helps you get paid faster. LawPay lets you attach a secure payment link to your email, website, or invoices so that clients can pay with just a click. Our solution was developed specifically for lawyers, and we’re proud to be a member benefit of the Illinois State Bar Association.

This month, LawPay is making it easier than ever to get paid. Sign up for a new account by March 30 through the Illinois State Bar Association and receive a $100 credit towards your processing fees.

To get started, visit LawPay's ISBA page.