October Family Fun Guide from TicketsatWork

Posted on October 24, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

These offers are provided to you by Illinois State Bar Association. 
There's so much to enjoy – look for great deals on hotels, shows, events, tours and attractions nationwide! Planning a long weekend getaway with the family or friends? Check out offers from Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando, Six Flags and more. 

Don't forget, TicketsatWork members have access to great local deals, discounted movie tickets, rental cars and much, much more! 

Want to sign up? It's free and easy: 
1. Visit www.ticketsatwork.com
2. Use your company code: ISBA
3. Read and follow the easy steps on our site, and once registered you can access all tickets, events, hotels and more online for free.

Illinois Supreme Court Appoints Cleary as Circuit Judge in the 10th Subcircuit of Cook County

Posted on October 21, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

Justice Mary Jane Theis and the Illinois Supreme Court have announced the appointment of Gerald V. Cleary as a Cook County Circuit Judge in the 10th Subcircuit.

Judge Cleary was appointed to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Donald J. Suriano, who is retiring on Nov. 2, 2016.

The appointment takes effect Nov. 3, 2016 and will terminate on Dec. 3, 2018, when the position will be filled by the 2018 General Election.

Quick Takes on Thursday's Illinois Supreme Court opinions

Posted on October 20, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

Our panel of leading appellate attorneys review Thursdays's Illinois Supreme Court opinions in the Civil case Carney v. Union Pacific R.R. Co. and the criminal cases People v. Jones and People v. Minnis.


Carney v. Union Pacific R.R. Co.

By Michael T. Reagan, Law Offices of Michael T. Reagan

In affirming the circuit court’s grant of summary judgment to the defendant Union Pacific, and reversing the appellate court, which had decided this case with a Rule 23 Order, the supreme court significantly examined three sections of the Restatement (Second) of Torts which are frequently invoked in cases involving injuries during construction.  Justice Theis wrote for the court.  Justice Kilbride dissented.

ISBA Board approves ‘cloud computing’ ethics opinion, future-of-profession report

Posted on October 20, 2016 by Mark S. Mathewson

At its October 14 meeting, the ISBA Board of Governors adopted an ethics opinion that expressly authorizes storage of confidential client information in the cloud and approved the recommendations of the ISBA Task Force on the Future of Legal Services.

Futures report, recommendations. The Board approved the report and recommendations of the legal services task force. They now go to the ISBA Assembly, which will take them up at its December meeting. Recommendations include creating a consumer-oriented lawyer directory, providing technology and practice-management education and resources to members, and establishing a standing committee on the future of legal services.

Ethics opinions on the cloud, conflicts, of-counsel fee division. The Board approved three ethics advisory opinions, including one that specifically allows online “cloud” storage of client data. Opinion 16-06 says lawyers may use a cloud-based service to store confidential client information as long as they take reasonable care to assure its security. Opinion 16-05 says it’s not a conflict for a law firm to represent a city while a paralegal from the firm serves on the city council. Opinion 16-04 concludes that the fee-division restrictions imposed by Illinois ethics rule 1.5(e) on lawyers from different firms do not apply to “of counsel” relationships.

In other action, the Board

What’s happening with cases pending before cannabis decriminalization took effect?

Posted on October 19, 2016 by Mark S. Mathewson

How are state's attorneys and judges handling cases for possession of small amounts of cannabis that are pending after the new cannabis decriminalization law took effect?

Peoria lawyer Jeffrey R. Hall, one of the drafters of the law, summarizes his experience in the October Illinois Bar Journal.

"The issues revolve around the interpretation of the Statute on Statutes under 5 ILCS 70/4 as it applies a law that repeals or changes the sentence or punishment of a statute," Hall writes. "When a criminal case is pending while a statute is repealed or amended, one must ask whether the change to the statute was substantive (changing the elements of a crime) or procedural (changing or mitigating a sentence).

"With SB 2228's decriminalization of possession of less than 10 grams of cannabis and drug paraphernalia, the legislature made a procedural amendment by changing the severity of the sentence as well as the category of offense," Hall writes. "No longer is possession a criminal act. It is now a civil violation with 'civil fees,' since cannabis possession is still 'unlawful' for all intents and purposes."

CLE: Settlement and Severance Agreements: The Non-Pecuniary Terms – Live Webcast

Posted on October 19, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

How many times have you heard “this is a standard settlement term”? Don’t miss this online seminar on November 3, 2016 that helps you determine which non-monetary provisions you need in settlement and severance agreements … and which you can accept from opposing counsel without much fear. Practitioners with intermediate to advanced practice skills working in the litigation environment – whether as an attorney or in-house counsel – who attend this seminar will better understand: what most attorneys define as the “standard” settlement term; which provisions are a necessary component in settlement agreements; how to ensure that you’ve included all of the provisions you need; and how to avoid missing something in the settlement agreement.

Starved Rock State Park Conservation Officer presented with Law Enforcement Award

Posted on October 19, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

Illinois State Bar Association 2nd Vice President James F. McCluskey (far right) presented an ISBA Law Enforcement Award to Illinois Department of Conservation Officer Hank Frazier (second from left) on Oct. 18 at JJ’s Pub in Ottawa. (Also pictured: James T. Reilly [far left] and LaSalle County Bar Association President Michelle A. Vescogni [second from right]). Illinois Department of Conservation Officer Hank Frazier, of Utica, received a 2016 Law Enforcement Award from the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) on October 18 during a LaSalle County Bar Association meeting at JJ’s Pub in Ottawa.

The ISBA’s Law Enforcement Award was created to recognize sworn law enforcement officers for conduct that promotes justice and to distinguish those individuals whose service to the public brings honor and respect to the entire criminal justice system. It recognizes those who excel in law enforcement. ISBA 2nd Vice President James F. McCluskey presented the award.

Best Practice: Law Firm Governance - Executive Committee - Non-Equity Member and Procedures

Posted on October 19, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

Asked and Answered

By John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC

Q. Our firm is a fourteen attorney firm in Orlando, Florida. We have Two equity members, five non-equity members, and seven associates. We are currently managed by the managing member. In order to be more inclusive we are thinking about eliminating the managing member position and moving to a three member executive committee with one of the three members being a non-equity member. I would appreciate your thoughts?