CLE: The Construction Industry: Shortcuts to Disaster

Posted on April 18, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

Join us in Lombard on May 13, 2016 for a comprehensive look at how to handle complicated lien priority and construction escrow matters involving new construction with this informative full-day seminar that uses a fact pattern scenario (based on an actual case) as the backdrop for each presentation! Real estate attorneys, construction law practitioners, and lawyers working in the commercial banking/collections/bankruptcy areas who attend this seminar will better understand: the issues and concerns that can arise with the original development contracts and general real estate purchase contracts; the requirements involved in financing a construction project; the red flags to look for in construction, escrow procedures and disbursements, and related title insurance matters; how mechanics’ liens affect the developer, builder, lender, real estate purchaser, and subcontractor; how mechanics’ lien foreclosure and builder’s bankruptcy impacts a construction project; and changes in the law that substantially affect construction-related issues. The seminar is presented by the ISBA Real Estate Law Section and co-sponsored by the ISBA Construction Law Section and ISBA Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy Section. It qualifies for 6.25 hours MCLE credit.

ISBA Statehouse Review for April 14, 2016

Posted on April 14, 2016 by Chris Bonjean

ISBA Director of Legislative Affairs Jim Covington reviews legislation in Springfield of interest to ISBA members. This week he covers Judicial Retention (House Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendment 20), Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (House Bill 4372), The Parentage Act of 2015 (House Bill 4447), Income shares and child support (House Bill 3982), New filing fee (Senate Bill 3162) and IMDMA cleanup (House Bill 1190). More information on each bill is available below the video.

Cook County Circuit Court wins grant to create Community Court

Posted on April 14, 2016 by Chris Bonjean

For the first time, the Circuit Court of Cook County will create a Restorative Justice Community Court that empowers victims and residents to play an active role in the rehabilitation of adult offenders who commit certain nonviolent crimes, under a pilot program Chief Cook County Circuit Judge Timothy C. Evans announced today.

The “restorative justice” concept emphasizes the ways that crime harms relationships in the community and brings together the people most impacted by the crime to resolve it. Under the model, defendants take accountability for their actions and then work to repair the harm – for example, through restitution, community service, letters of apology, and peace circles.

Meet the Darrows, a two-robe family

Posted on April 13, 2016 by Mark S. Mathewson

Judges Sara and Mike DarrowIn the April Illinois Bar Journal, Rock Island circuit court judge Clarence M. "Mike" Darrow and federal district judge Sara Darrow talk among other things about what parenting is like when both Mom and Dad are judges.

IBJ: What's harder, being husband-and-wife lawyers or husband-and-wife judges?

Mike: From a parental perspective, being a self-employed attorney gave our family an enviable level of flexibility for the many moving parts of raising six young children. Fortunately, now that our children are older we don't need that same level of flexibility with our fixed schedules. Our children have taken the whole thing in stride, and we can report to parents who aspire to be judges that it will have zero impact on the orders you give at home.

Sara: We also have more in common to talk about as judges. Even though we sit in different courts, we are uniquely situated to truly understand the difficulties we each face at work.

CLE: Illinois Appellate Practice: What Every Lawyer Should Know

Posted on April 13, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

Every litigator needs to be aware of the basic rules and procedures for appeals in Illinois Appellate Courts. Don’t miss this full-day seminar in Chicago on Friday, April 29, 2016 that offers an overview of all major aspects of the civil appeals process in the Illinois reviewing courts. Attorneys with basic practice experience in all substantive areas who have never participated (or only rarely participate) in appeals will benefit from this seminar and gain a better understanding of: the general requirements for creating a record for appellate review; the problems that can arise while making a record; when post-trial motions are required to preserve issues on appeal; how to respond to post-trial motions; how to decide if an appeal is the right choice; the ways that the appellate court clerk can help with the clarifying and procedural requirements of an appeal; the special considerations for interlocutory review; important points to consider regarding appellate motion practice; why the standard of review is important to your appeal; how to draft an effective and persuasive brief; how to present a successful oral argument; and much more