Should you call one of the kids to testify in a custody case?

Posted on February 10, 2016 by Mark S. Mathewson

In a recent post to the ISBA family law discussion group, Nancy Dryden of Newton posed this question: "I represent a mom in a modification of custody battle. The 13-year-old half-brother of the minor at issue is very eager to testify on behalf of the parent I'm representing. He wishes to respond to allegations of actions by my client that involved him as well as his half-sibling who is the subject of the custody battle. Would the court allow him to testify? If so, are there any drawbacks?"

Eric Frobish of Morris wrote this: "If the child is competent to testify, then the judge technically doesn't have any choice in the matter. CAVEAT: my experience has always been that judges will bend over backwards to avoid putting a minor on the stand in a custody hearing. You're taking a chance of really ticking the judge off by putting this kid on the stand, which would presumably not be to your client's benefit. It may be a bit less upsetting to the judge since it's not the child who is the subject of the litigation, but...."

Read more in the February Illinois Bar Journal, and find out more about ISBA discussion groups here.

Volunteers needed for 2016 Mock Trial Invitational

Posted on February 10, 2016 by Chris Bonjean

Volunteers are needed for the 2016 ISBA High School Mock Trial Invitational at the University of Illinois College of Law in Champaign. It will be held the weekend of April 2-3.

If you would like to volunteer for the 2016 Invitational, please register by going to: and clicking on the red button that says “Sign up to volunteer.” 

If you have already registered, thank you!  You will receive e-mails closer to the event providing you with more information about the program, a schedule, and logistics, such as parking information.

Edelson PC Makes $345,000 Donation to Illinois Bar Foundation

Posted on February 10, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

National consumer rights firm Edelson PC, headquartered in Chicago, announced it has made a $345,000 donation to the Illinois Bar Foundation. 

Jay Edelson, the founder of the firm, said the donation is part of his firm's broader efforts to support local and national organizations that promote open access to the courts.  “It has become more difficult for ordinary people to have full and fair access to the courts; this imbalance especially impacts disadvantaged communities. Legal aid organizations, like the IBF, are of critical importance in keeping the playing field as level as possible,” Edelson explained.

Best Practice: Does our law firm need a marketing director?

Posted on February 10, 2016 by Chris Bonjean

Asked and Answered

By John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC

Q. We are a 25-lawyer insurance defense firm in Northwest Dallas. We are managed by a managing partner, firm administrator, and director of human resources. We have been discussing the need for a marketing director. Are we too small? If we decide to hire one what should we be looking for and where should we start our search?

Nominations for ISBA awards due March 4

Posted on February 9, 2016 by Chris Bonjean

Nominations are being accepted for ISBA awards. Please submit all nominations before March 4. Additional information is available at or by clicking the link to the individual award.

  • Austin Fleming Newsletter Editors Award
    This award honors outstanding editors or past editors of Association newsletters. It is based on the concept of meritorious service to the Association and is not necessarily to be given every year.
  • Community Leadership Award
    Given by the ISBA's Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI), the honor recognizes individuals for efforts to foster understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their issues of concern.
  • Diversity Leadership Award
    The Diversity Leadership Award recognizes long standing, continuing and exceptional commitment by an individual or an organization to the critical importance of diversity within the Illinois legal community, its judiciary and within the Illinois State Bar Association.

CLE: What's New in Mental Health Law - 2016

Posted on February 9, 2016 by Morgan Yingst

Attend this seminar in Chicago or via live webcast on February 17, 2016 for a better understanding of the current issues and challenges surrounding mental health law in Illinois! As an attorney working in the mental health law arena, you need to stay up to date on the legislative and procedural changes taking place throughout Illinois. Mental health lawyers, disability law practitioners, family law attorneys, and those working in the health care industry attending this seminar will better understand: the legislative changes affecting Illinois’ Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code; how the Mental Health Confidentiality Act is impacted by recent Illinois legislation; the recent Illinois Supreme Court and Appellate Court decisions regarding the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code and the Illinois Mental Health Confidentiality Act; and the legal and ethical obligations attorneys have when facing a colleague with mental illness.

Candidate report for the 2016 ISBA election

Posted on February 5, 2016 by Chris Bonjean

The Candidate Report for the 2016 ISBA Election is below. All ISBA attorney members with their dues paid by March 1, 2016 are eligible to vote. Ballots will be distributed on Monday, March 28, 2016. It may take several days for mailed ballots to reach members.  Email (e-ballot) distribution will begin the morning of the 28th and should conclude before 4 p.m. The deadline for voting is Friday, April 29th at 4:30 p.m. Central Time for all voting methods: e-ballot, paper or internet. Additional voting information is available below the report.


(N.B.: Pursuant to the Policy and Procedures for Election approved by the ISBA Assembly, in those instances where there are more candidates than positions to be filled, nominees are listed on the ballot by the date of filing. Where two or more people filed on the same date, ballot positions were determined by lot. Ballot positions are listed next to the candidate’s name.)

Third Vice-President   (1 to be elected; 2 candidates)

  • Stephen M. Komie 2
  • David B. Sosin 1