Downers Grove Police Sergeant receives Law Enforcement Award

Posted on June 25, 2014 by Chris Bonjean

Sergeant Joel Marquez (center), of the Downers Grove Police Department, received a 2014 Law Enforcement Award from the ISBA on June 18 in Wheaton. On hand for the presentation were Robert J. Anderson (far left), a circuit judge in the 18th Judicial Circuit Court who nominated him for the award, and Vincent F. Cornelius, second vice president of the ISBA, who presented the award.Sergeant Joel Marquez, of the Downers Grove Police Department, received a 2014 Law Enforcement Award from the ISBA on Wednesday, June 18  during a ceremony at the DuPage County Administration Building Auditorium in Wheaton.

Sergeant Marquez was nominated by Robert J. Anderson, a circuit judge in the 18th Judicial Circuit Court. ISBA Second Vice President Vincent Cornelius presented the award.

The ISBA’s Law Enforcement Award was created to recognize sworn law enforcement officers for conduct that promotes justice and to distinguish those individuals whose service to the public brings honor and respect to the entire criminal justice system. It is given to recognize those who truly excel in the field of law enforcement. In addition to Sergeant Marquez, four other law enforcement officers from judicial districts throughout Illinois are being honored.

Sergeant Marquez was recognized for his exceptional work to educate his fellow law enforcement officers on the long-term impact that the crime of domestic violence has on families in DuPage County.

Best Practice: Decision-making and governance for a 2-partner firm

Posted on June 25, 2014 by Chris Bonjean

Asked and Answered

By John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC

Q. Another attorney and I are planning on starting a law practice together. He has a larger book of business and 10 years more experience. Initially he will have a 60 percent ownership interest and I will have 40 percent. Compensation will be determined based upon these ownership percentages. How do you suggest we structure our decision-making and governance?

Registration fee for Illinois attorneys jumps $40 to $382 a year

Posted on June 23, 2014 by Chris Bonjean

The Illinois Supreme Court announced on Monday an increase in the annual registration fee for attorneys practicing in Illinois. The increased funds will be directed to the regulatory body that disciplines attorneys and the Supreme Court Commission established to increase civility among lawyers.

Under amended Supreme Court Rule 756, the annual registration fee will increase from $342 to $382. That amounts to an increase of 11 cents per day for attorneys who are in active status for more than three years. The $40 increase will be remitted to the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC), which will receive $30; and the Commission on Professionalism, which will receive $10.

Richard D. Felice installed as 138th ISBA President

Posted on June 23, 2014 by Chris Bonjean

Richard D. Felice is sworn-in as the 138th ISBA President by Illinois Supreme Court Justice Robert Thomas.Richard D. Felice, a lawyer in private practice in Wheaton, was installed as president of the Illinois State Bar Association at the organization’s 138th Annual Meeting on Friday, June 20 at the Grand Geneva Resort in Lake Geneva, Wis. View photo galleries from the Annual Reception and the Annual Installation Dinner.

During his year as president, Felice will place special emphasis on three projects. The first is the formation of a Task Force on the Impact of Law School Debt on the Future of the Profession to address the tremendous challenges facing new lawyers, including staggering law school debt and a stifling job market. The task force “will study in depth the concept of practice-ready new lawyers and consider constructive changes to law school curricula,” he said.  Second district appellate Justice Ann Jorgensen will chair the committee.

The second initiative is the formation of a Solo and Small Firm Practice Institute Series, offering educational programs to solo and small firm practitioners in five settings throughout the state. Working with other stakeholders in the practice of law, the institute will provide a variety of programming to help lawyers enhance their practices.

Quick takes on Thursday's Illinois Supreme Court civil opinions

Posted on June 19, 2014 by Chris Bonjean

Our panel of leading appellate attorneys review Thursday's Illinois Supreme Court opinions in the civil cases In re the Estate of Powell, In re N.C., a Minor, and In re Marrigate of Turk.

In re the Estate of Powell

By Michael T. Reagan, Law Offices of Michael T. Reagan, Ottawa

In re Estate of Powell, 2014 IL 115997, holds that an attorney who brings a wrongful death action owes a legal duty to the decedent’s beneficiaries at the distribution of funds phase of that action.  The court rejected the contentions of the defendant attorneys in this legal malpractice case that an attorney engaged to prosecute a wrongful death action only owes a duty to the personal representative of the estate and not to the beneficiaries of the action.  The court also rejected a defense contention that the potential, unpled here, of a conflict among beneficiaries should negate the imposition of a duty to the beneficiaries.  The court stated it was making no determination as to the scope of duty when a conflict among the beneficiaries is specifically alleged.

Cook County justice system leaders to tour DC area courts

Posted on June 19, 2014 by Chris Bonjean

A task force of principal stakeholders summoned by the Illinois Supreme Court will be visiting Washington D.C. and Montgomery County, Maryland next week to study firsthand pretrial release and detention procedures in those courts as a way to enhance the administration of justice in Cook County and Illinois. The site visit is being coordinated with the assistance of the Washington-based Pretrial Justice Institute.

Those scheduled to make the trip are Cook County State’s Atty. Anita Alvarez; Clerk Dorothy Brown of the Cook County Circuit Court; Cook County Public Defender A.C. Cunningham; Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans of Cook County Circuit Court; President Toni Preckwinkle of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County; Ret. Chief Justice Ben K. Miller of the Illinois Supreme Court; Ret. U.S. District Court Judge David Coar; and Director Michael Tardy of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts.

Those principals, as well as Sheriff Tom Dart of Cook County, were assembled by the Supreme Court last November for a continuing discussion on the systemic management of criminal pretrial matters, focusing on strategies to improve the effective administration of justice in Cook County and throughout Illinois.