Illinois Lawyer Finder results for October 2013

Posted on November 7, 2013 by Chris Bonjean

The Illinois State Bar Association’s Lawyer Finder Service provides referrals to local lawyers Mondays through Fridays. The Service makes referrals in a number of areas of law. For the month of October 2013 ISBA helped people in need of legal services find lawyers in the following areas:

Here are the results for October 2013:

  • 600 phone referrals made by Lawyer Finder staff
  • Most requested areas of law: Family (105), Personal Injury (91), Criminal Law (63), Real Estate (59), Employment Law (51) and Civil Disputes (32)
  • 22,610 visits to (20,180 unique visitors)

Want to be part of the ISBA Lawyer Finder Service? Call (800) 252-8908 and ask for the Legal Department, or visit

Clients should call (800) 922-8757.

Use Twitter to help keep up with Illinois law

Posted on November 7, 2013 by Mark S. Mathewson

In the November Illinois Bar Journal, Chicago-Kent librarian and legal-research columnist Tom Gaylord directs ISBA members to useful law-related Twitter-based resources. "[K]eep in mind," he says, "it's not necessary to tweet yourself; one can simply set up a Twitter account and follow other users without ever contributing to the conversation."

Best Practice: Key metrics and dashboards for personal injury firms

Posted on November 6, 2013 by Chris Bonjean

Asked and Answered

By John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC

Q. I am the managing partner of a six attorney personal injury plaintiff firm in San Diego. We are a high volume/small case firm that depends heavily on advertising. We have 1,200 open files and are currently are spending 17% of our revenue on advertising. While our case management system provides us with numerous reports - what are key reports that we should be using?

Mentors needed for Lawyer-to-Lawyer Mentoring Program

Posted on November 5, 2013 by Chris Bonjean

Use your experience and wisdom to provide professional guidance and share practical knowledge with new lawyers during their critical transition from law student to legal practitioner. Simply meet with your mentee a minimum of eight times throughout the year to complete the structured curriculum that will be provided at orientation. Mentors are eligible for up to 12 hours of free CLE credit upon completion of the mentoring program.

Applications Due: December 19, 2013
Mandatory Orientation: January 29, 2014

For more information and to apply as either a Mentor or a Mentee, please visit:

Spotlight on pro bono: Pro bono services for veterans

Posted on November 5, 2013 by Chris Bonjean

By Judge Barb Crowder, Secretary, ISBA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services

Adding a veterans subcommittee to the existing efforts of the Third Judicial Circuit’s Pro Bono Committee has allowed the committee to expand and target services specifically for the many veterans in the metro-east living in Madison and Bond County. The superintendent of the Veterans Assistance Commission has been a member of the Third Circuit Pro Bono Committee since its inception and concerns over the many homeless and needy veterans have been part of the committee’s focus. The veterans subcommittee is working on information packets for veterans and for attorneys to highlight needs and services. The purpose of this article is to highlight the expansion of pro bono efforts and to encourage other programs to consider outreach for veterans.

CLE: Civility in the Courtroom

Posted on November 5, 2013 by Chris Bonjean

The need for civility in the courtroom has never been greater – especially in the age of stressful economic times and advanced technology! As an Illinois attorney, you need to understand how less-than-civil conduct can negatively impact your argument and reputation. Join us in Chicago on Dec. 5 for this half-day seminar that offers good practice tips for handling your next case with civility and professionalism. Litigators with all levels of practice experience who attend this seminar will better understand: why the Illinois Supreme Court Rule 794(d)(1) requires attorneys to complete six hours of Professional Responsibility MCLE credit; how civility is doing in the Illinois state and federal courts; how to achieve proper civility in the courtroom; what the Commission on Professionalism of the Supreme Court of Illinois has found in regard to civility in the Illinois courtrooms; why certain litigation areas are more prone to uncivil behaviors; and how to foster civility in the courtroom.

The program – which qualifies for 3.5 hours MCLE credit, including 3.25 hours Professional Responsibility MCLE credit (subject to approval) – is presented by the ISBA Bench and Bar Section and co-sponsored by the ISBA Civil Practice and Procedure Section and the ISBA Family Law Section.

Click here for more information and to register.