Articles From William J. Anaya

Clean Water Act Jurisdiction: A Review of Sackett Cases One Year Later By Lisle A. Stalter & William J. Anaya Corporate Law Departments, June 2024 One year post Sackett et ux. v. Environmental Protection Agency, there were several significant decisions analyzing its applicability with differing interpretations.
Editor’s Note By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, May 2024 An introduction to the issue from the editor.
Clean Water Act Jurisdiction: A Review of Sackett Cases One Year Later By Lisle A. Stalter & William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, April 2024 One year post Sackett et ux. v. Environmental Protection Agency, there were several significant decisions analyzing its applicability with differing interpretations.
2023 Environmental Statutes and Regulatory Amendments By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, February 2024 Brief descriptions of new statutes, rules, and programs created by the Illinois General Assembly, the Office of the State Fire Marshall, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the Illinois Pollution Control Board, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 2023.
Federal Jurisdiction and the Clean Water Act: Can We Expect Anything From Congress? By William J. Anaya Corporate Law Departments, January 2024 With the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Sacket et ux. v. Environmental Protection Agency et al., it seems that the definition of "waters of the United States" has been resolved—unless, of course, Congress decides to modify the Clean Water Act.
Federal Jurisdiction and the Clean Water Act: Can We Expect Anything From Congress? By William J. Anaya Agricultural Law, December 2023 With the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Sacket et ux. v. Environmental Protection Agency et al., it seems that the definition of "waters of the United States" has been resolved—unless, of course, Congress decides to modify the Clean Water Act.
Federal Jurisdiction and the Clean Water Act: Can We Expect Anything From Congress? By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, October 2023 With the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Sacket et ux. v. Environmental Protection Agency et al., it seems that the definition of "waters of the United States" has been resolved—unless, of course, Congress decides to modify the Clean Water Act.
Recent Legislative Proposals Involving Environmental Law By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, April 2023 Summaries of recent legislative proposals of interest to environmental law practitioners.
US EPA Approves ASTM Standard E1527-21 By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, March 2023 The United States Environmental Protection Agency recently amended 40 C.F.R Part 312 and formally approved the recently revised  ASTM Standard E-1527-21 as satisfying the “all appropriate inquiry” requirement for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments.
Editor’s Note: Be an Illinois Bar Foundation Champion By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, January 2023 A note from the editor.
Editor’s Note By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, October 2022 An introduction to the issue from the editor.
Holm v. Kodat: A Primer on Navigable Waterways, Riparian Rights, and the Role of the Judiciary By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, October 2022 The Illinois Supreme Court recently affirmed the lower court's decision that an owner with riparian rights on a non-navigable waterway does not have the right to use that waterway to enter the property of another riparian owner without first obtaining permission.
Remembering Steve Bashaw By William J. Anaya Real Estate Law, September 2022 Steve Bashaw was a gentleman, a teacher, a mentor to many, an enthusiastic lawyer, a happy husband, a good father, and a friend.
Editors’ Note By William J. Anaya & Michael J. Rooney Real Estate Law, May 2022 An introduction to the issue from the editors.
Editor’s Note By William J. Anaya & Michael J. Rooney Real Estate Law, April 2022 An introduction to the issue from the editors.
ASTM E1527-21: The New 2021 Standard for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, March 2022 A summary of the changes made to the ASTM's Phase I Environmental Site Assessments in 2021.
ASTM E1527-21: The New 2021 Standard for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments By William J. Anaya Real Estate Law, January 2022 A summary of the changes made to the ASTM's Phase I Environmental Site Assessments in 2021.
Note From the Editors By William J. Anaya, Michael J. Maslanka, & Michael J. Rooney Real Estate Law, September 2021 An introduction to the issue from the editors.
U.S. EPA and OSHA Enforcement Policies in the Time of COVID-19 Provide Opportunities to Mitigate Penalties but Are No Defense for Non-Compliance By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, October 2020 As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced relaxations to their enforcement policies—but it is important to note that neither excuse regulatory non-compliance.
Court Ordered Commercial Land Use Regulation And Religious Organizations By William J. Anaya Real Estate Law, April 2020 A summary of Fraternité Notre Dame v. County of McHenry, which deals with the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.
From the Chair By William J. Anaya Real Estate Law, April 2020 A note from the chair, William J. Anaya.
New Illinois Supreme Court rule promotes diversity of thought and experience By William J. Anaya Diversity Leadership Council, June 2019 The new Illinois Supreme Court Rule 794 requires licensed Illinois attorneys to attend one hour of diversity and inclusion instruction.
In America, we make things—that is what we do: How PFAS became the acronym du jour By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, May 2019 Recently, new concerns have been raised with products that have been remarkably popular and effective—specifically, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
A license to pollute? People v. Sterigenics By Matthew E. Cohn & William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, December 2018 An overview of People v. Sterigenics, in which the state of Illinois alleged that Sterigenics emitted toxic gas into the atmosphere in violation of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act.
What color is your contract? By William J. Anaya Real Estate Law, June 2018 Most transactions involve well-meaning people. But when they don’t, the contract is the evidence of what was intended, and you are the person who prepared the contract.
What color is your contract? By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, March 2018 Most transactions involve well-meaning people. But when they don’t, the contract is the evidence of what was intended, and you are the person who prepared the contract.
The 2015 RCRA Solid Waste Rule and the 2016 TSCA Reform (The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act) By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, August 2016 In the last 12 months, Congress and US EPA have made significant changes to waste and chemical regulation that deserve some analysis.
The “M” word—Mold is manageable By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, June 2015 An overview of how to handle a mold discovery.
The “M” word—Mold is manageable By William J. Anaya Real Estate Law, May 2015 An overview of how to handle a mold discovery.
Battles over hydraulic fracturing moving to the hinterland By William J. Anaya Environmental and Natural Resources Law, January 2014 The recent case of Robinson Township, et al. v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, et al. is significant for a variety of reasons.

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