Articles From Sandra Crawford

The Law: A Proverbial Hammer or Shield in Collaborative Practice? By Sandra Crawford, J.D. Alternative Dispute Resolution, February 2025 The Collaborative Process aims to help clients find customized solutions that meet their self-identified needs while understanding the legal framework. In collaborative law, transparency is crucial in fostering effective conflict resolution. It involves openly sharing information, including legal perspectives and potential outcomes, with all participants. 
Insight Mediation: The Evolution of Mediation Theory and Practice By Sandra Crawford, J.D. Alternative Dispute Resolution, April 2024 Insight mediation helps parties tell their stories, explore underlying interests and concerns, and generate options for solving problems and reaching agreements.
Adjudication vs. ADR in Family Law: In Search of Deeper Dialogue and Understanding By Sandra Crawford Family Law, March 2024 Conflict resolution practitioners must be able to convey the benefits and drawbacks to different models of conflict resolution since the model a client uses to address disputes can have a profound impact on the process and outcome.
Adjudication vs. ADR in Family Law, in Search of Deeper Dialogue and Understanding By Sandra Crawford, J.D. Alternative Dispute Resolution, February 2024 The model of conflict resolution a client uses to address their legal disputes can have a profound impact on things like how long they will be in process and how sustainable their outcomes will be.
From One Divorce Lawyer’s Inspiration to a Nobel Prize Nomination: The Collaborative Law Story By Sandra Crawford, J.D. Alternative Dispute Resolution, November 2023 Among the 93 organizations nominated for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize is the International Association of Collaborative Professionals.
Teamwork Essential to the Practice of Collaborative Process By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, March 2021 The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals promulgates standards and ethics for professionals practicing collaborative law.
ISBA ADR Section Council Member Profile: Sandra Crawford, JD, Mediator Collaborative Professional By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, January 2021 A Q-&-A with Sandra Crawford, a member of the ADR Section Council.
Managing Mediations in the Virtual World: Perspectives of a Mental Health Professional and of an Attorney By Sandra Crawford & Margaret Powers Alternative Dispute Resolution, August 2020 Practice tips for conducting mediations in a virtual setting.
Parting letter from the 2018-19 ISBA ADR Section Council chair By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, July 2019 A note from the past chair, Sandra Crawford.
Chair’s column By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, May 2019 A note from the chair, Sandra Crawford.
Chair’s column: ADR pro bono in Illinois By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, April 2019 A note from the chair, Sandra Crawford.
Creating gender equality: Takeaways By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, April 2019 Key takeaways from a recent panel presentation on creating gender equality in the workplace.
Chair’s column By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, December 2018 A note from the chair of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, Sandra Crawford.
1 comment (Most recent January 8, 2019)
Chair’s column By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, November 2018 An introduction to various members of the ADR Section Council and the amazing variety of work and professional activities that go on under the ADR umbrella in Illinois.
Collaborative process and lawyers as “Public Citizens” By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, February 2018 This article lays out why the dispute resolution model, known as Collaborative Process, helps lawyers achieve all four obligations set out in the Rules of Professional Conduct and how this in turn benefits individual clients and the legal system as a whole.
Spotlight on ADR section member Judge Allan Goldberg (Ret.) By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, November 2017 Author Sandra Crawford recently sat down with the former ISBA ADR Section Chair to learn his opinions on his career and the state of ADR today.
Learning essential steps to conflict resolution is for everyone By Sandra Crawford Bench and Bar, July 2017 What we can learn from the book, The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution by Dudley Weeks.
Learning essential steps to conflict resolution is for everyone By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, June 2017 What we can learn from the book, The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution by Dudley Weeks.
Collaborative process: Illinois Senate Bill 0067 By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, April 2017 An overview of Collaborative Process for those unfamiliar.
Celebrating ADR By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, October 2016 This year’s celebration of Mediation Week will take place between October 16th and 22nd.
A tale of two communities: Bringing pro bono collaborative law to Illinois National Guard veterans By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, January 2016 The Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois and the Health & Disability Advocates of Warrior to Warrior have rolled out a pro bono program to bring the Collaborative Practice model of divorce dispute resolution to Illinois Army National Guard Veterans and their families.
A tale of two communities: Bringing pro bono collaborative law to Illinois National Guard veterans By Sandra Crawford Family Law, December 2015 The Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois and the Health & Disability Advocates of Warrior to Warrior have rolled out a pro bono program to bring the Collaborative Practice model of divorce dispute resolution to Illinois Army National Guard Veterans and their families.
A tale of two communities: Bringing pro bono collaborative law to Illinois National Guard veterans By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, November 2015 The Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois and the Health & Disability Advocates of Warrior to Warrior have rolled out a pro bono program to bring the Collaborative Practice model of divorce dispute resolution to Illinois Army National Guard Veterans and their families.
Mediation, meditation—Let’s pause for more peaceful outcomes By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, February 2015 Learning how to meditate can help legal professionals (mediators, attorneys, judges) become more comfortable with silence (“the pause”) and not have to continually race against each other to be the first and last to speak.
Former Women and the Law Chair honored with Lifetime Achievement Award at Women’s Bar Association Centennial By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, October 2014 Sharon Eiseman, a former Chair of the ISBA's Women and the Law Committee, was recently honored at a gala event celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois.
International Women’s Day Talking Circle – March 8, 2014 By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, July 2014 The theme of International Women’s Day 2014 is “Inspiring Change.” To explore this theme members of the ISBA, including former chairs of its Women in the Law Committee, came together on March 8th to enjoy spa services and hold a Talking Circle in the common room of the Ally Spa, Chicago.
Divorce Corp. movie underscores family court woes, collaborative law offers solution By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, April 2014 Although unexplored in the film, for more than 20 years now the practice of collaborative law has offered a highly desirable alternative for couples seeking a “kinder, gentler” divorce.
Divorce Corp. movie underscores family court woes, collaborative law offers solution By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, March 2014 Although unexplored in the film, for more than 20 years now the practice of collaborative law has offered a highly desirable alternative for couples seeking a “kinder, gentler” divorce.
Conscious divorce: The conscious lawyers and collaborative practice By Sandra Crawford Family Law, October 2013 It often goes without saying that family lawyers deal with significant trauma and distress on a daily basis. Becoming and remaining conscious of the impact of the stress on one’s own life is critical.
ISBA—It’s just the beginning. Get involved By Hon. Ann Breen-Greco & Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, October 2012 An overview of the recent ISBA/JTBF Law & Leadership Institute, which was held over the summer at the John Marshall Law School.

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