Articles From David M. House

Retirement: Some of Its Joys and Some of Its Concerns By Hon. Robert J. Anderson, (ret.), Albert Durkin, David M. House, Timothy J. Howard, & Gary T. Rafool Senior Lawyers, June 2024 The ISBA's Senior Lawyers Section Council recently appointed a subcommittee to address some of the interests and concerns of retired attorneys.
Retirement: Some of Its Joys and Some of Its Concerns By Hon. Robert J. Anderson, (ret.), Albert Durkin, David M. House, Timothy J. Howard, & Gary T. Rafool Senior Lawyers, February 2022 A discussion on some of the interests and concerns of retired attorneys.
2 comments (Most recent February 18, 2022)
Personal jurisdiction and notice in abuse and neglect proceedings By David M. House Child Law, March 2017 As with any civil action, abuse and neglect proceedings sometimes involve questions of adequate service of process and/or notice.
Thoughts from the Chair By David M. House Child Law, June 2016 A message from Section Chair David House as his term comes to a close.
Thoughts from the Chair By David M. House Child Law, March 2016 A message from Chair David House.
Thoughts from the Chair By David M. House Child Law, December 2015 A message from Section Chair David House.
Thoughts from the Chair By David M. House Child Law, September 2015 A message from Child Law Section Chair David House.

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