Articles From Matthew A. Kirsh

Illinois Supreme Court Caselaw and Legislation Update By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, July 2021 Summaries of recent Illinois Supreme Court cases and legislative updates of interest to family law practitioners.
Post-Pandemic Practice (Or PPP) By Matthew A. Kirsh Elder Law, August 2020 A look at what we have learned about the practice of law during COVID-19.
Post-Pandemic Practice (Or PPP) By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, July 2020 A look at what we have learned about the practice of law during COVID-19.
Suggestions for Fair Play By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, December 2019 In family law, although judges are the ultimate decision makers, it often feels to our clients that we have turned their lives over to a guardian ad litem or a mental health professional who will render opinions and make recommendations.
Mandatory Acknowledgement of Marital Responsibilities By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, April 2018 Author Matt Kirsh satirically asks, "Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a form that both spouses are required to sign before obtaining a marriage license?"
1 comment (Most recent June 11, 2018)
Editor’s column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, February 2018 Editor Matt Kirsh points out an update to an article published last month in this newsletter.
Why does maintenance terminate upon remarriage? By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, November 2017 The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act is 40 years old. The world has changed. Societal norms have changed. Perhaps, in light of all this change, it is time to examine whether a change to the maintenance termination law is also appropriate.
2 comments (Most recent November 16, 2017)
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, April 2016 A message from Chair Matt Kirsh.
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, February 2016 A message from Family Law Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, January 2016 A message from Chair Matt Kirsh.
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, December 2015 A message from Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
1 comment (Most recent December 12, 2015)
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, November 2015 A message from Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, October 2015 A message from Chair Matt Kirsh.
1 comment (Most recent October 12, 2015)
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, September 2015 A message from Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
2 comments (Most recent September 11, 2015)
Chair’s column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, August 2015 A message from Family Law Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
Chair’s column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, July 2015 A message from incoming Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
Eavesdropping in Illinois: An update By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, January 2015 A summary of the revisions to the Eavesdropping Statute contained in the new Illinois Eavesdropping Act as they pertain to family law.
Illinois Eavesdropping Statute declared unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, May 2014 In the wake of the People v. Clark case, the Illinois Legislature will have to amend the Eavesdropping Statute. All practitioners of family law should keep an eye out for the amended statute and be familiar with its contents.
1 comment (Most recent May 15, 2014)
Guardian Ad Litem or Child Representative? Why lawyers and judges need to be more deliberate about designating role of attorneys representing children By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, October 2013 Attention to the designation of child representative or guardian ad litem can make a big difference in the quality of representation you are able to provide in a case.
Editor’s note By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, October 2012 A message from Editor Matt Kirsh.
Editor’s note By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, September 2012 An introduction to the issue from Editor Matt Kirsh.
Editor’s column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, June 2012 A message and introduction to the issue from Editor Matt Kirsh.
Editor’s note By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, May 2010 An introduction to this issue from Editor Matthew Kirsh.
Editor’s column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, November 2009 On August 18, 2009 the governor signed Senate Bill 0065, which became Public Act 096-0583, which significantly alters the law regarding attorney fees in divorce cases.
Co-editors’ note By David N. Schaffer & Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, April 2009 A note from newsletter editors Matthew Kirsh and David Schaffer.
Motions to stay pending appeal in custody cases By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, November 2008 As most practitioners know, the conclusion of a contested custody trial is not, by a long shot, the end of the litigation.
Obtaining law enforcement records: Remember the Daniels case By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, October 2007 Imagine you represent children whose mother is accusing the father of sexual abuse.
When is a declaratory judgment not a declaratory judgment? By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, January 2007 On November 20, 2006 the 2nd District Appellate Court rendered its opinion in In Re The Marriage of Best. 2006 WL 3386705.
The use of the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination in domestic relations cases By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, March 2000 This article will not attempt to analyze the privilege against self-incrimination in all of its intricacies, but will hopefully provide a basic overview of when the invocation of the privilege is appropriate.

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