Articles From Robert P. Osgood

Government Use of Social Media and the First Amendment By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, February 2025 Many government agencies and officials operate social media pages to interact with constituents. But when can a public official or agency limit that interaction? Do such limitations run afoul of the First Amendment? This article examines two recent Supreme Court cases involving the interaction of government, social media, and the First Amendment.
Recent Cases Examining the Constitutionality of Federal Administrative Proceedings By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, June 2022 Two recent cases out of the fifth circuit call into question whether federal administrative proceedings, specifically those at the Securities and Exchange Commission, violate constitutional provisions.
Protective Orders and FOIA By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, March 2022 An overview of two cases that involve FOIA requests for records under a protective order.
Illinois Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Convicted Felon Serving as Mayor By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, November 2021 The Illinois Supreme Court recently ruled that Markham Mayor Roger Agpawa may remain in office despite a 1999 federal mail fraud conviction.
General Assembly Passes Ethics Reform Bill By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, August 2021 In late summer, the Illinois General Assembly passed an ethic reform bill that would make several changes to the Governmental Ethics Act, State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, the Election Code, and the Lobbyist Registration Act.
Appeals Court Reinstates Suit Alleging Improper Borrowing by the State By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, November 2020 On August 6, 2020, the appellate court overturned a circuit court ruling dismissing Illinois Policy Institute CEO John Tillman’s lawsuit surrounding Illinois’ issuance of general obligation bonds in 2003 and 2017.
Cautionary Tales for Remote Meetings By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, August 2020 In the wake of COVID-19, government practitioners should be mindful of the recent executive orders and legislation and potential criminal penalties for violations of the OMA due to misuse or technical difficulties with remote meeting technologies.
Background Checks on Citizens Speaking at Government Meetings By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, March 2020 A look at the implications of conducting background checks on the citizens who sign up to speak at public meetings.
Legislator Pay Freezes Ruled Unconstitutional By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, August 2019 In July, the circuit court found the practice of prohibiting annual cost-of-living raises and imposing furloughs violated the Illinois Constitution.
A look at the process for removing judges in Illinois By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, April 2019 Removing a judge can be a difficult process.
How the state can help pension funds collect delinquent pension contributions from municipalities By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, November 2018 In 2011, the Illinois Pension Code was amended to allow pension funds to garnish delinquent municipalities with the help of the state.
Applying Illinois’ eavesdropping law to government practice By Robert P. Osgood Government Lawyers, September 2018 Illinois’ current eavesdropping law makes it a crime to record a “private conversation” without the consent of all parties, with some exceptions.

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