Government Use of Social Media and the First Amendment
By Robert P. Osgood
Government Lawyers,
February 2025
Many government agencies and officials operate social media pages to interact with constituents. But when can a public official or agency limit that interaction? Do such limitations run afoul of the First Amendment? This article examines two recent Supreme Court cases involving the interaction of government, social media, and the First Amendment.
Protective Orders and FOIA
By Robert P. Osgood
Government Lawyers,
March 2022
An overview of two cases that involve FOIA requests for records under a protective order.
General Assembly Passes Ethics Reform Bill
By Robert P. Osgood
Government Lawyers,
August 2021
In late summer, the Illinois General Assembly passed an ethic reform bill that would make several changes to the Governmental Ethics Act, State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, the Election Code, and the Lobbyist Registration Act.
Cautionary Tales for Remote Meetings
By Robert P. Osgood
Government Lawyers,
August 2020
In the wake of COVID-19, government practitioners should be mindful of the recent executive orders and legislation and potential criminal penalties for violations of the OMA due to misuse or technical difficulties with remote meeting technologies.
Legislator Pay Freezes Ruled Unconstitutional
By Robert P. Osgood
Government Lawyers,
August 2019
In July, the circuit court found the practice of prohibiting annual cost-of-living raises and imposing furloughs violated the Illinois Constitution.
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