Federal Trade Commission: Non-Compete RuleBy Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, October 2024On April 23, 2024, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission issued a Final Rule banning Non-Compete Clauses in employee agreements nationwide with an exception for “senior executives” who have a Non-Compete which is in place prior to the effective date of the Rule.
Federal Trade Commission: Non-Compete RuleBy Bernard G. PeterEmployee Benefits, October 2024On April 23, 2024, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission issued a Final Rule banning Non-Compete Clauses in employee agreements nationwide with an exception for “senior executives” who have a Non-Compete which is in place prior to the effective date of the Rule.
A Note From the Co-EditorsBy Bernard G. Peter & Aldridge Asa MauerEmployee Benefits, October 2024A note from the co-editors.
Editor’s NoteBy Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, July 2024An introduction to the issue from the editor.
Become an Illinois Bar Foundation ChampionBy Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, December 2022The Champions of the Illinois Bar Foundation are a distinguished group of supporters who believe in the value of justice and philanthropy.
IRS Retirement Plan Limitations for 2022By Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, May 2022The Internal Revenue Service updated the retirement plan limitations for 2022 in IRS Notice 2021-61.
Department of Labor Retirement Plan Cybersecurity GuidanceBy Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, June 2021A summary of the cybersecurity tips issued by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration.
IRS Retirement Plan Limitations for 2021By Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, June 2021The Internal Revenue Service updated the retirement plan limitations for 2021 late in in 2020 in IRS Notice 2020-79.
Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program ActBy Bernard G. PeterBusiness Advice and Financial Planning, October 2017An overview of this Act, which requires most employers in Illinois to offer a retirement program or provide employees a payroll deposit retirement savings arrangement provided for by the Act as of July 1, 2017.
Plan audit checklistBy Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, October 2017A list of the actions that should be taken to determine whether plan operations comply with plan provisions.
Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program ActBy Bernard G. PeterEmployee Benefits, September 2017An overview of this Act, which requires most employers in Illinois to offer a retirement program or provide employees a payroll deposit retirement savings arrangement provided for by the Act as of July 1, 2017.
Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program ActBy Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, August 2017An overview of this Act, which requires most employers in Illinois to offer a retirement program or provide employees a payroll deposit retirement savings arrangement provided for by the Act as of July 1, 2017.
Plan audit checklistBy Bernard G. PeterEmployee Benefits, March 2017A list of the actions that should be taken to determine whether plan operations comply with plan provisions.
IRS plan limitations for 2017By Bernard G. PeterEmployee Benefits, December 2016Recently, the IRS issued the updated retirement plan limitations for 2017.
IRS retirement plan limitations for 2016By Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, December 2015A look at the new limitations and a table of previous years' limitations for comparison purposes.
IRS retirement plan limitations for 2016By Bernard G. PeterEmployee Benefits, December 2015A look at the new limitations and a table of previous years' limitations for comparison purposes.
2015 retirement plan limitationsBy Bernard G. PeterCorporate Law Departments, December 2014The complete list of the IRS 2015 dollar limitations for benefits, compensation and contributions.
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