Easier cell phone data transfer?
By Meredith E. Ritchie
Legal Technology, Standing Committee on,
April 2008
Counsel should advise its clients as to the current privacy and employment laws before suggesting that corporations or individuals implement any surveillance techniques. Additionally, corporate policies and handbooks should be updated to reflect any changes to company cell phone use.
In-house job search 101
By Meredith E. Ritchie
Corporate Law Departments,
October 2007
So, you are thinking it is time to make a change—your skills aren’t being utilized, you don’t see advancement in your future at your current company or you received word that your legal department is moving to another state.
Letter from the Chair
By Meredith E. Ritchie
Women and the Law,
March 2006
Thanks to all of you who have participated in our committee events thus far this year! Due to an active, dedicated committee, we have surpassed our expectations (certainly my expectations).
Letter from the chair
By Meredith E. Ritchie
Women and the Law,
September 2005
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, I think we have all realized how important our volunteer efforts are-and the potential we possess to aid those in need.
Meeting Annie E. Thar
By Meredith E. Ritchie
Women and the Law,
February 2005
Annie Thar's enthusiasm for the legal profession is contagious!
Meeting Gloria Santona
By Meredith E. Ritchie
Women and the Law,
October 2004
As I drove into the lush woods, the rain stopped and I saw a contemporary building that seemed to blend into the landscape: McDonald's Corporate Headquarters.
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