From My Perspective: Why a Bar Exam?
By Justice Lloyd A. Karmeier, (ret.)
Senior Lawyers,
February 2023
During COVID-19, many jurisdictions adopted emergency measures to ensure that recent law school graduates would not be delayed in their path to bar admission, making some question the need to require any bar exam at all.
From My Perspective: Why a Bar Exam?
By Justice Lloyd A. Karmeier, (ret.)
Bench and Bar,
November 2021
During COVID-19, many jurisdictions adopted emergency measures to ensure that recent law school graduates would not be delayed in their path to bar admission, making some question the need to require any bar exam at all.
Illinois Supreme Court weighs adoption of Uniform Bar Examination
By Daniel Thies
Young Lawyers Division,
April 2017
The Illinois Supreme Court is considering whether to make Illinois the 28th jurisdiction in the country to adopt the Uniform Bar Examination (“UBE”), a single test that allows candidates for the bar to transfer their scores to multiple jurisdictions while still taking only one test.
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