Articles on Elder Law

Early retirement for self employed and small business owners Elder Law, May 2001 Beginning January 1, 2000, a person, upon attaining the age 65, may work as much as they desire, and/or are capable of working, without reducing their Social Security Benefits.
Easing on to the superhighway: computers and the Internet for technologically challenged lawyers By Karl Menninger Elder Law, May 2001 While this newsletter (and others) have been referring to "the information superhighway," "Web sites," "e-mail" and "computer-based legal research," it has been pointed out that not all lawyers are familiar with computers and that this newsletters could have a useful article on the basics of computers and the Internet.
Notes from the chair Elder Law, May 2001 The first pieces of data from the 2000 Census are now being released, and they graphically demonstrate the long range changes happening to our country, The America of 2050 will look quite different from the America of 2001 and will look almost nothing like the America of 1950.
Should clients be advised to preplan their funeral? By Bill Hilbrick Elder Law, May 2001 Mention the idea of preplanning and thoughts usually turn to paying for a funeral in advance.
Bridging the generation gap By Marjan Peter Staniec Elder Law, February 2001 It is the intent of the author to create greater awareness among advocates for frail and reclusive seniors of an existing program that can provide therapeutic benefits, emotionally and physically--a daycare program that bridges the generation gap by its collective program that addresses the needs of the elderly and youngsters.
Elder law Law Ed Series program Elder Law, February 2001 The Elder Law section will be presenting a Law Ed Seriesseries program on grandparents' issues.
Elder law update By Steven C. Perlis Elder Law, February 2001 For calendar year 2001, the community spouse resource allowance ("csra") is $87,000.
Illinois Supreme Court holds grandparent visitation law unconstitutional as applied to parents who object By Karl Menninger Elder Law, February 2001 Grandparent visitation laws, passed in response to pressure from senior citizens with the implication that visits with grandparents are always (or usually) good for the child, have been the subject of constitutional challenges in several states.
Notes from the chair By Lee Beneze Elder Law, February 2001 After pondering awhile on what to write for this column, I eventually decided to address two current issues.
Practice note: transfers of assets, penalty periods and home care services By Lee Beneze & Mary Mayes Elder Law, February 2001 The Illinois Department on Aging provides a variety of services to older Illinoisans under the Community Care Program (CCP).
Stops along the information superhighway Elder Law, February 2001 As a regular service to the Elder Law Section members, the newsletter editors continue to review elder law websites for information useful to practitioners or their clients.
The top events of 2000: AARP By Lee Beneze Elder Law, February 2001 AARP has released a list of its top events and issues for the year 2000 which had the most significant impact on older Americans.
Dogs, frogs, and chimpanzees: what elder law attorneys can learn from them By Michael H. Erde Elder Law, October 2000 My wife works for me a few days a week, and we can't leave our dog Ozzie home alone, so he becomes a legal beagle and he joins us at the law firm.
Guardianship pamphlet published Elder Law, October 2000 The ISBA recently published a pamphlet "On Being A Guardian," the latest in its series of pamphlets for lawyers to distribute to their clients.
Illinois Guardianship Association By Frederick D. Floreth Elder Law, October 2000 On July 17, the Illinois Guardianship Association celebrated its second anniversary.
The Illinois Guardianship Reform Project: an overview By Morris Fred Elder Law, October 2000 The Guardianship Reform Project, initiated by Equip for Equality with the support of The Chicago Community Trust, Polk Bros.
Revised Illinois elder law practice handbook published Elder Law, October 2000 The 2000 edition of Advising Elderly Clients and Their Families has recently been published by the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (IILCLE).
Stops along the information superhighway Elder Law, October 2000 This newsletter focuses on information useful to the lawyer in the practice of elder law, but a review of some Web sites for clients may be helpful.
Deceptive practices in prepaid funeral plans By Lee Beneze Elder Law, June 2000 On April 10, 2000, the Senate Select Committee on Aging held a hearing on financially deceptive and fraudulent practices in the prepaid funeral and burial industry.
Health care: The Office of the Attorney General and how it can be of assistance to you By Mardyth E. Pollard Elder Law, June 2000 Quality health care is an issue that affects all of us; and as we grow older, good health care becomes even more important in our daily lives.
Identifying and reporting health care fraud: part II By Lee Beneze Elder Law, June 2000 As noted in the first part of this article (See Elder Law, Vol. 5, no. 3, May 2000), the cost of health care fraud and abuse in this country--out of a trillion dollar expenditure for health care--may be as much as a quarter of a billion (not million!) dollars every day.
“Let’s kill all the lawyers”? By Edward F. Stanula Elder Law, June 2000 I had to read through Macbeth and half of King Lear before I found Shakespeare's quotation on lawyers.
The need of homebuyers and sellers for independent counsel By Stanley B. Balbach Elder Law, June 2000 The profession has a duty to inform the members of the public as to when they have a problem deserving of the services of a lawyer.
New assisted living law to be implemented in 2001 By Lee Beneze Elder Law, June 2000 The Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act (Public Act 91-0656) was passed by the General Assembly in the 1999 spring session.
Not an elder law self-help book Elder Law, June 2000 Seeing the title Fifty and Beyond: The Law You and Your Parents Need to Know, one might think that it's another legal self-help book, this time directed to older persons.
Notes from the chair By Constance B. Renzi Elder Law, June 2000 As I sit down to write these notes, I can hardly believe that it is time to pass the baton to the newly appointed chairperson of the Elder Law Section Council, Lee Beneze, vice-chairperson William Cleaver, and secretary, Naomi Schuster.
Power to make organ donations added to health care power of attorney By John F. Erbes Elder Law, June 2000 The Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney for Health Care has been amended by P.A. 91-240, effective January 1, 2000 to allow individuals to make an anatomical gift part of their health care power of attorney and authorize the agent to effectuate the organ donation.
Aging delayed—aging denied? By Lee Beneze Elder Law, May 2000 This article is based on "Can Human Aging Be Postponed?," Scientific American, Vol. 281, No. 6 (December, 1999), pp. 106-111.
Health care fraud is everybody’s business By Lee Beneze Elder Law, May 2000 The Illinois Department on Aging is a participant, along with other state and federal agencies, in a federal initiative called "Operation Restore Trust."
Illinois annual Elder Rights Conference planned By Lee Beneze Elder Law, May 2000 The 14th Annual Elder Rights Conference, organized by the Illinois Department on Aging, will be held in Chicago on August 2 and 3, 2000, at the Holiday Inn City Center.

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