The danger of Internet checks as part of a company’s hiring process
By Peter LaSorsa
Labor and Employment Law,
February 2012
The latest endeavor by companies is to check Web sites like Facebook and Twitter to see what new information they can learn about prospective employees. Is this a good idea? Are there potential land mines that the company could step on?
Saint or sinner? The efficacy of the proposed “1,000 Shareholder” amendment to Section 12(g)
By Cory White
Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law,
December 2011
Some lawmakers and regulators see the current “500 shareholder rule” of section 12(g) as a hindrance to capital formation, which has always been a stated goal of the SEC and other financial regulators. Representatives David Schweikert (R-AZ) and Jim Himes (D-CT) have introduced a bill that will amend Section 12(g).
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