Fee agreement essentials
By John T. Phipps
General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm,
September 2009
With the adoption of the rule approving the sale of a solo practice, it became appropriate, especially for senior lawyers and solo practitioners, to insert a provision in fee agreements to cover what happens in the event of the unavailability of the attorney. Such a provision obtains the client’s consent to temporary substitution of an attorney and a limited confidentiality waiver.
Editor’s Column: Fee Agreement Essentials
By John T. Phipps
General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm,
May 2009
The author believes there needs to be a clause to address what happens on the unavailability of the attorney; a clause to deal with client expectations; and a clause that deals with the client’s fee expectations.
Design your client agreement as a legal and marketing document
By Trey Ryder
Young Lawyers Division,
August 2005
Don't underestimate the importance of your agreement as both a legal and marketing document. Because if prospects aren't comfortable with your agreement, they may not sign it--and all your prior legal marketing efforts have been for naught
Client fee agreements: it’s time for a review
By Carl R. Draper
Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on,
January 2002
The past 12 months have seen three decisions from the appellate court that have provoked alarm, concern, and a review of law office practices concerning fee agreements with clients.
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