Articles on Insurance Law

Alphabetical listing of cases Insurance Law, September 2003 Adams ex rel. Adams v. American International Group, Inc., ___ Ill.App.3d ___, ___ N.E.2d ___, ___ Ill. Dec. ___ (1st dist. 5th div. 2003) Pre-judgment interest (1392)
Cases Insurance Law, September 2003 Commonwealth Insurance Company v. Stone Container Corporation, 323 F.3d 507 (7th Cir. 2003) (1402)Stone Container Corporation had a plant in Florida for which it procured insurance coverage through Aon Risk Services, its insurance broker.
Words & phrases index of cases Insurance Law, September 2003 Two-year statue of limitations applies to actions against insurance brokers.
Alphabetical listing of cases Insurance Law, July 2003 American Country Insurance Company v. Williams, ___ Ill.App.3d ___, ___ N.E.2d ___, ___ Ill. Dec. ___ (1st dist. 5th div. 2003) Exclusions: Intentional Act (1387)
Cases Insurance Law, July 2003 Government Employees Insurance Company v. Campbell, 335 Ill.App.3d 930, 781 N.E.2d 639, 269 Ill. Dec. 842 (1st dist. 4th div. 2002) (1378)
Words & phrases index of cases Insurance Law, July 2003 Barring rejection of an arbitration award was a proper remedy for the insurer's failure to produce a claim's adjuster pursuant to an adversary's Rule 237(b) notice.
Allocating progressive loss between first-party property insurers By Russell F. Watters Insurance Law, June 2003 Generally, in the event of a first party loss, there is little question as to which insurance policy applies.
Life settlements-Getting more out of existing life insurance By Valerie Greenberg Insurance Law, June 2003 Are any of your clients' existing life insurance policies not performing as expected?
Director of Department of Insurance speaks on liquidation status of Warrior Insurance Group By Scott A. Blumenshine Insurance Law, April 2003 The Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance appeared before the ISBA Insurance Law Section Council on Friday, December 13, 2002 at the Mid-Year Meeting. Nathaniel Shapo, Director of the Department of Insurance since January 1999, spoke to members about the status of non-standard auto insurers Gallant and Valor, among other topics.
Pre-tender defense costs: Covered or not? By Marlene A. Kurilla & David A. Dolendi Insurance Law, April 2003 Insurance coverage issues are as varied as the state courts that try to decide them.
Records management for Illinois insurers—What’s missing from the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision in Guillen v. Potomac Ins. Co. of Ill.? By Michael Todd Scott Corporate Law Departments, March 2003 In Guillen v. Potomac Ins. Co. of Ill. (January 24, 2003), the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that an insurance company breached its duty to defend when it refused to defend an insured against a lead-based paint personal injury action.
Revisiting the insurer’s duty to settle: Haddick v. Valor Insurance By Susan M. Witt Civil Practice and Procedure, March 2003 The Illinois Supreme Court has addressed the question of when an insurer's duty to settle arises.
Alphabetical listing of cases Insurance Law, February 2003 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company v. St. Paul Surplus Lines Insurance Company, 328 Ill.App.3d 711, 767 N.E.2d 827, 263 Ill. Dec. 101 (1st dist. 1st div. 2002) Exclusions: Employer's liability (1368)
Cases Insurance Law, February 2003 Action for direct and contributory patent infringement and inducing others to commit patent infringement did not allege covered offense occurring in the course of advertising.
Insurance coverage for negligent and intentional injuries By Martin A. Dolan & Joseph P. Shannon Tort Law, February 2003 In any tort injury or civil rights claim, it is imperative that the plaintiff's attorney identify any and all liability insurance policies that may apply to the claim.
Words & phrases index of cases Insurance Law, February 2003 Action for direct and contributory patent infringement and inducing others to commit patent infringement did not allege covered offense occurring in the course of advertising.
Alphabetical listing of cases Insurance Law, November 2002 American Service Insurance Company v. Passarelli, 323 Ill.App.3d 587, 752 N.E.2d 635, 256 Ill. Dec. 755 (1st dist. 6th div. 2001) Bad faith: Statutory (1319);
Cases Insurance Law, November 2002 McDonald's Corporation v. American Motorists Insurance Company, 321 Ill.App.3d 972, 748 N.E.2d 771, 255 Ill. Dec. 67 (2nd dist. 2001) (1334).
Words & phrases index of cases Insurance Law, November 2002 Insured not entitled to advertising injury coverage for complaint alleging theft of trade secrets.
Alphabetical listing of cases Insurance Law, February 2002 American Standard Insurance Company of Wisconsin v. Gnojewski, 319 Ill.App.3d 970, 747 N.E.2d 367, 254 Ill. Dec. 327 (5th dist. 2001) Duty to defend: estoppel (1300)
Cases Insurance Law, February 2002 Amcor Sunclipse North America ("Sunclipse"), the defendant seeking a coverage declaration, makes corrugated paper products. Sunclipse had a license with Century Container Corporation ("Century") in which Sunclipse agreed to use only Century's graphite liner board for Sunclipse's products.
Cites from previous issue Insurance Law, February 2002 Westchester Fire Insurance Company v. G. Heileman Brewing Company, Inc., 321 Ill.App. 3d 622, 747 N.E.2d 955, 254 Ill. Dec 543 (1st dist. 5th div. 2001)
Words & phrases index of cases Insurance Law, February 2002 "Infringement of title" does not encompass solicitation of customers who were identified because of prior cooperation with another company.
Alphabetical listing of cases Insurance Law, June 2001 American Family Mutual Insurance Company v. Savickas, 193 Ill.2d 378, 739 N.E.2d 445, 250 Ill. Dec. 682 (2000) Collateral estoppel (1273)
Alphabetical listing of cases Insurance Law, June 2001 Alliance Syndicate, Inc. v. Parsec, Inc., 318 Ill.App.3d 590, 714 N.E.2d 1039, ___ Ill. Dec. ___ (1st dist. 2nd div. 2000) ASSISTANCE AND COOPERATION (1244)
Cases Insurance Law, June 2001 A.J. Maggio Company v. Willis, 316 Ill.App.3d 1043, 738 N.E.2d 592, 250 Ill. Dec. 376 (1st dist. 2nd div. 2000) (1270)
Cases Insurance Law, June 2001 Alliance Syndicate, Inc. v. Parsec, Inc., 318 Ill.App.3d 590, 714 N.E.2d 1039, ___ Ill. Dec. ___ (1st dist. 2nd div. 2000) (1244)Henry Smith, a temporary worker who was working on behalf of Parsec, Inc. was injured while working in a rail yard owned by CSX.
Cites from previous issue Insurance Law, June 2001 Alliance Syndicate, Inc. v. Parsec, Inc., 318 Ill.App.3d 590, 714 N.E.2d 1039, 251 Ill. Dec. 861 (1st dist. 2nd div. 2000)
Section announces The Policy —Internet version Insurance Law, June 2001 Be sure to check out the new version of The Policy Index, The new Lotus Notes® database has replaced the old static "html" file that had been current only through 1999.
Words and phrases index of cases Insurance Law, June 2001 Insured's claim under a policy may be assigned after a loss.

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