Articles on International & Immigration Law

Section council seeks international law recommendations By Michael J. Chmiel International and Immigration Law, December 2000 The International and Immigration Law Section Council of the Illinois State Bar Association is seeking recommendations from its section for the enactment or amendment of laws which affect the practice of international law in Illinois.
Need financing? Let’s go to Europe! (The EASDAQ alternative) By Gerald L. Fishman International and Immigration Law, February 2000 Many smaller corporate clients wishing to raise capital shy away from public offerings of securities.
Lawyer to Lawyer Network International and Immigration Law, April 1999 The New York based Lawyers Committee for Human Rights maintains a program to aid persecuted attorneys throughout the world with a mailing campaign by lawyers in bar associations around the world directly to the persecuting governments and government officials.
Mexico: Recent changes in foreign investment rules and related tax laws By John E. Rogers & Francisco Videgaray O. International and Immigration Law, March 1999 Recent changes in the foreign investment law and related regulations have created new opportunities in Mexico for foreign investors, but December 1998 changes in the Mexican tax laws have created new challenges.

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