Is the self-driving car an outlier of an automated judiciary?By Peter LaSorsaLegal Technology, Standing Committee on, January 2018If we replace the Supreme Court Justices with sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence, wouldn’t we get a fairer and more just result?
Circuit Judge Valerie E. Turner officially retiredBy Hon. Edward Schoenbaum, (Ret.)Bench and Bar, December 2017Circuit Judge Valerie E. Turner of the Circuit Court of Cook County was officially retired from office on December 1, 2017, by order of the Illinois Courts Commission.
Sidebar on CLE at the mid-year meetingBench and Bar, November 2017Register now for the Joint/Midyear Meeting and participate in these complimentary CLE programs.
The bench, the bar and the lunch tableBy Evan BrunoBench and Bar, September 2017In Champaign County, where author Evan Bruno practices criminal law, Bunny’s Tavern in Urbana is every Wednesday’s lunch spot. Any lawyer or judge, regardless of practice area or experience, is welcome. Every legal community needs such a lunch table.
Summer externs = HUGE HelpBy Hon. Debra B. WalkerBench and Bar, August 2017Hon. Debra Walker urges all of her judicial colleagues to host summer externs.
Recent appointments and retirementsBench and Bar, July 2017The Administrative Office reports no changes in the judiciary during June 2017.
What federal Magistrate Judges do and why they can or can’t do itBy Hon. Tom Schanzle-HaskinsBench and Bar, May 2017A summary of the basic rules regarding a Magistrate Judge’s authority to rule on matters which are deemed dispositive or non-dispositive under the Magistrate Judges Act and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Broadening our horizonsBy Hon. Michael B. HymanBench and Bar, April 2017While the legal systems of other countries may differ, the way people react to the legal system and lawyers is often similar to our own. By considering how our peers from around the world have dealt with some common issues we may learn something about ourselves.
Can justice be served online?By Jayne R. ReardonBench and Bar, April 2017The author shares her recent experience with online dispute resolution, and ponders the effects of this growing form of conflict resolution on the legal system and even our understanding of fairness and democracy.
What federal Magistrate Judges do and why they can or can’t do itBy Hon. Tom Schanzle-HaskinsFederal Civil Practice, April 2017A summary of the basic rules regarding a Magistrate Judge’s authority to rule on matters which are deemed dispositive or non-dispositive under the Magistrate Judges Act and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.