Articles on Law Office Management

Leveraging lease renewal for maximum effect By Daniel G. Jay Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, May 2012 There are hidden opportunities in the lease renewal process that should not be missed.
Starting—Building—Managing—a law firm By John W. Olmstead Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, May 2012 A few survival tips for each phase of firm development.
Changes: How an alternative rock song can provide insight to the evolution of the cost for legal services By Joseph B. VanFleet Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, February 2012 Without question, the unique predicament facing us today is our economic environment. In light of this adversity, law firms today face the need to modify their price structure to address the changing demands of corporate clients.
Cloud computing and virtual law practice issues By Kim Brand Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, February 2012 Before committing your firm to a cloud-centric application environment you should make sure you know your ‘backup’ options for alternate Internet access.
Get paid… Faster than a speeding bullet By Amy Porter Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, February 2012 By using technology as a payment tool, you give clients flexible payment options while allowing yourself to get paid quickly and securely.
Welcome to the party, non-lawyers By Dan Breen Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, February 2012 While any change that might allow nonlawyers an ownership interest will be slow and methodical, if it happens at all, perhaps the addition of nonlawyers will enable the legal profession to add significant value on multiple levels in an ever more complex and competitive world.
Addition by deduction By Paul Shaheen Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, September 2011 If employee benefits are becoming unaffordable, how does a firm maintain them? Or at least remain in the position to offer them? 
The Checkpoint Flyer… The only way to travel! By Alan Pearlman Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, September 2011 The Checkpoint Flyer laptop bag provides a variety of benefits for frequent travelers.
Does your voicemail irritate clients? By Donald E. Weihl Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, September 2011 Some tips for creating the most effective voice mail messages.
Emerging issues for Illinois employers in wage and hour law By Richard L. Samson & Michael D. Ray Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, September 2011 A list of issues that Illinois employers commonly face regarding wage and hour laws, and practical advice for minimizing liability and exposure in light of the burgeoning wave of related lawsuits.
How to laugh in the face of a data disaster By Alan Pearlman Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, September 2011 A true story from the case chronicles of ETS Investigative Services of Wilmette, Illinois, a firm specializing in data security, recovery, forensics and investigation.
Wherever you go…Never forget to take your Pulse! By Alan Pearlman Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, September 2011 A review of the Livescribe Pulse Digital Smartpen, which creates digital copies of everything you write by hand while recording audio at the same time.  
Law firm succession/Exit strategies: Practice continuation arrangements By John W. Olmstead Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 2011 Lawyers must invest time and effort to find suitable successors for their firms and to create useful, equitable, practice continuation agreements.
Managing ourselves By Dan Breen Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 2011 Because more and more attorneys will begin their legal career without a traditional business structure, it is important that we, as a profession, pay more attention to the business side of law.
Professional liability claim exposures By Stephen G. Wilder Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 2011 Every firm has a particular claim exposure profile based on the nature of its practice and its firm management practices and procedures. By understanding this profile, a firm can better identify and address the risks that may lead to claims against the firm.
Professional services and law practice growth patterns By William A. Price Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 2011 The U.S. government collects a wide variety of statistics on employment, earnings, and employment dynamics in law practices and on other business advisory professions. These can give you a reasonably good idea of what the growth in numbers and in income has been in recent years.
Business development in the 21st Century: Building your personal brand online By Erin E. Wright Young Lawyers Division, April 2011 Potential clients and the public at large are online and are likely searching for you. Put your best foot forward by introducing yourself in a variety of online forums that are free, relatively easy to use, and exceptionally effective at increasing the value of your personal brand.
Keeping current in your practice By David Clark Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, April 2011 Applying sage advice using modern technology.
How to grandfather, or not: A health care reform update By Paul Shaheen Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, December 2010 By carefully asking the right kinds of questions, and working with a qualified insurance professional in this regard, the analysis that you, and your firm, need to undertake in determining what type of plan is best for its needs will be made a great deal easier.
Protecting your office from employee theft By Dan Breen Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, December 2010 Possibly the best advice is to implement a written loss prevention policy for your office. Like any other plan or strategy you use when trying cases, developing your business, or monitoring your financial growth, this plan is most effective if you put it in writing.
Laptop printing at a hotel By Todd H. Flaming Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, October 2010 Away from your office and need to print? This Web site offers the solution.
1 comment (Most recent October 15, 2010)
Pensoft Payroll 2010 Professional By Bryan Sims Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, October 2010 A great software addition for lawyers doing their own bookkeeping-- This software version includes the ability to export information for direct deposit, as well as the ability to generate W-2s.
Windows 7: Is it right for your practice (now)? By Robert C. Thurston Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, October 2010 The pros and cons of upgrading your law practice to Windows 7.
“Hello, may I help you?” Yes, By Robert C. Thurston Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, September 2010 One of the problems that solos and some small firms face is hiring a good receptionist that provides a professional voice to the outside world. Ruby makes potential clients feel as if they are hiring the best lawyers.
Workplace time bombs By Peter LaSorsa Corporate Law Departments, August 2010 The author addresses two common workplace "time bombs" that could potentially explode into lawsuits for the employer.
1 comment (Most recent August 14, 2010)
Why it pays to accept credit cards By Amy Porter Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 2010 Why turn away a prospective client who wants to use your law firm’s services and has the means to pay promptly?
Digital dictation is here… Throw away your mini-tapes By L. James Hanson Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, March 2010 Still using audio tapes for dictation and transcription? Here's how to make the transition to digital.
Severing the landline By Peter LaSorsa Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, March 2010 The author presents his case for the elimination of traditional telephone service.
1 comment (Most recent February 26, 2010)
The wellness train: Time to come aboard By Paul Shaheen Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, March 2010 Want to put an end to double-digit insurance rate increases? Read on to learn how!
The changing face of the legal profession By Sherwin A. Brook Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, December 2009 The U.S. economy has been slammed over the past 18 months. No sector has been spared. Among the professional services providers, attorneys have been the hardest hit. The dynamics of the carnage has left virtually every area of concentration reeling with the possible exceptions of bankruptcy injury and family law.

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